How to Stick to Your Writing Schedule

This is How to Stick to Your Writing Schedule With Ease

The biggest problems that writers face are distractions that keep us from writing. Whether you’re a published author, aspiring, or just beginning down the writer’s path, if you hope to be accomplished, you need to first find the time to actually write. Getting through all of the distractions is hard work. Luckily, once you have this part mastered, the rest will come. Here’s how you can create a distraction free environment and stick to your writing schedule.

Create a Sacred (Clear) Space to Work

The first thing that you need, as a writer who wants to get things done, is a clear, quiet, comfortable space to work in. The location you work in should be one that inspires, not distracts. Quote or posters with writing and grammar tips, hanging on the wall or stuck to your desk are great, but having all of your favorite books and electronics could get you into trouble. Distractions come in all shapes and sizes, even in the form of books.


[Image sourced from Flickr]

The only books you should have in your writing space are writing guides (books on grammar, punctuation, and style), a thesaurus, and a dictionary. In all honesty, you can probably use a digital version of whatever it is you need, when it comes to literature that will help you with your work (whether you use a hard copy, paperback, ebook, or website is up to you). In order to be a great writer, you do need to read a lot of books, just keep your Kindle out of your writing space while you’re working.
Make Sure Your Work Space is Mess Free

In addition to being free from distracting entertainment, you should make sure that your space is free from all clutter. The last thing you want, when you look up from your work is a mess that needs cleaning. Messy spaces could make you feel that you need to get up from where you’re sitting and start cleaning. So, before you take a seat, clear off your desk, empty the wastebasket, and give everything a quick dusting. When it comes time to get creative, you should be at one with your work – not fidgeting around or staring at a mess.

Leverage Professional Writing Software


[Image sourced from Apple iTunes Store]

MS Word will only get you so far. Google Docs has a lot to offer, but working from your browser can be a distraction. Luckily, there are tools, designed just for authors, that are worth investing in. If you want to optimize your writing career, be willing to spend money on Scrivener, Write it Now, or other book writing software to help you create literary masterpieces while staying on task.

Don’t Let Yourself be Disturbed

When you work from home, which is more often than not the case for authors, you need to let your family know when you’re working so that you’re not disturbed. Unless you live alone, try to set a schedule that’s fair for everyone in the house. When you’re working, make sure everyone knows that, unless the house is on fire, they need to stay out of your work area. It’s a good idea to hang a “do not disturb” sign outside your door as a signal.

Create a Second User Account on Your Computer

If you’re like other writers, your laptop is your world. It’s filled with tons of apps, bookmarks, and your favorite desktop background. But, if you find yourself filtering through everything, keeping multiple browser tabs and pieces of software open for various projects, try creating a new user account for just writing. Keep only what you absolutely need to write your book on this account: Your writing software, a web browser for research, and one folder for your research files. This way, you won’t be tempted to work on multiple projects at one time.

Know Your Worth

Your writing time is as legitimate as punching a 9 to 5 card somewhere. Until you own that truth, you’ll have a hard time prioritizing your work and being as productive as you’re capable of. So, treat your writing time like you would if you were working for an employer. Set a schedule that allows you the time to do what you need, set reasonable goals, and treat yourself to a reward when you reach them. This is, indeed, an important part of being able to stick to your writing schedule.


Being able to work on your own schedule is one of the many benefits of being an author. If you want this to be a lucrative career, you have got to abide by that schedule. By working in a clear, mess-free space, using professional writing tools, protecting yourself from disturbances, using a separate user account on your desktop for work, and knowing your worth, you will be to do so. So, start implementing these tips today, and let us know what else you do that helps you stick to a writing schedule in the comments below.

Florence-Mendoza Florence Mendoza is a content marketing enthusiast at Buy an Essay

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