In Season and Out of Season 1, Spiritual Vitamins: Winter

Religion & Spirituality

By Randy Green

Publisher : CreateSpace

ABOUT Randy Green

Randy Green
A resident of West Monroe, Louisiana, Randy Green grew up in Seymour, Indiana, spent twenty years in the Chicago area, was a pastor in Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, South Carolina, and Louisiana, and now works in the IT field while advancing his career as an author. He has a Bachelor o More...


Folks today are much too busy! We haven't time for the necessary things because we are so busy being sidetracked by secondary things. Many Christians in this state of affairs find it useful to read daily devotional booklets. These consist of brief articles, two or three paragraphs, which highlight one basic point of the Bible. They do allow for brevity, but they do not allow for adequate spiritual nourishment.


This book is an attempt to bridge this gap. The book consists of 230 pages and 90 articles, each one serving as a daily spiritual vitamin supplement. Unlike the brief daily devotional booklets however, these articles are somewhat longer. Thus they can offer substantially more feeding without being unduly long. The longer articles I divided into Parts 1 and 2, and sometimes even Part 3.


If you desire to grow spiritually, I mean really mature in Christlikeness, but you cannot at this time devote adequate time to do so, give this book a try. I think you will find it quite useful...and the price is right! The Lord Jesus be praised!

As I wrote daily posts for my blogsite at authorsxpress, I decided they would make good daily devotional readings. So I made them into a book...actually four books, one for each season of the year, for a total of 366 daily devotionals.