Life Goes On

Life Goes On

ABOUT Eisha Ahmed

eisha ahmed
  My name is Eisha Ahmed.​I was born on 9th march 1998. I have never thought of writing a novel in my trance and getting it published too. I am a 9th grade student and now of 14 years. I have written this novel when I was 13 in seventh grade.I have been a quick-witted student since my  More...


Life is never as trouble-free as we have thought it to be. Sometimes it becomes a dare, waking up everyday and fighting it until late at night. Ann Stewart has finally realized that there couldn’t be a better teacher than life. She discovered that there is nothing better than friends who keep a flow of happy chatter going throughout one’s life. But what would you do if you were Ann, to whom even smiling was excruciating? Learn what adventure actually is; explore the sea of emotions and a life that will grip your whole being?

Is trying to keep a ray of hope in life why it’s always so toilsome? Can there be a life devoid of hope?