Ashes and Ice

General Fiction

By Pat/GK Brown/Parker

Publisher : Eternal Press

ABOUT Pat/GK Brown/Parker

Pat/GK Brown/Parker
Author of the acclaimed L.A. series featuring LAPD homicide detective David Eric Laine. Book one in the series L.A. Heat introduces David, an in-the-closet gay man who struggles to keep his secrets in the middle of an investigation into the murder of several young gay men. L.A. Mischief ex More...


America promised to be a beacon of hope for desperate immigrants. It was a lie. Ireland in 1887 was not a nice place to be if you were Irish. Across the ocean, America looks like a beacon of promise to the starving minds of Johnny Dorlan and Caitlin Walsh. But New York City is not the pot of gold they expected. When the two immigrants, strangers to each other and this alien world, end up in Five Points--the bloodiest corner of New York--their hope fades. The two strangers and an acerbic ten-year-old street Arab must fight death, failure, and the Great White Hurricane of 1888 to grab their piece of the American dream.

Having watched The Gangs of New York I became fasinated with the area known as Five Points on the lower East Side of New York City. I started reading about it and when I came across a reference to a massive blizzard that paralyzed the island for days I knew I had a story. Having been in a few blizzards in my life i knew the experience quite well and felt confident I could tell an exciting story about surviving one. I a serendipitous way I stumbled across the Gypsy Vanner horse and modeled my Peg after them, though technically the Gypsy Vanner only became a breed in the 20th Century. Stunning animals.