Trauma Theory As a Method for Understanding Literary Texts

Trauma Theory As a Method for Understanding Literary Texts

ABOUT Ted Morrissey

Ted Morrissey
I'm the author of the novels An Untimely Frost and Men of Winter and the novelette Figures in Blue, all from Twelve Winters Press. My fiction has appeared in numerous journals, including Glimmer Train Stories, The Chariton Review, PANK, and Pisgah Review. A Ph.D. in English studies, I've  More...



Trauma Theory As a Method for Understanding Literary Texts: The Psychological Basis of Postmodern Heremeneutics (Edwin Mellen, 2016) is a multidisciplinary work that responds to the question “If we associate postmodern literature with the period between the conclusion of the Second World War and, roughly, the end of the twentieth century, why have seemingly postmodern texts appeared in centuries far removed from postmodernism?”