Resonation: Enlightened Government for We the People

Excerpts & Samples

By Gregory Olinyk

Publisher : Morgan James Publishing

Resonation: Enlightened Government for We the People

ABOUT Gregory Olinyk

Gregory Olinyk



When our nation was first founded, a largely illiterate American citizenry chose the best educated person in their town to represent them at their state or territory capital, and then picked the smartest ones from that group to represent their best interests in our nation's capital. That once-effective system worked well for a time but, like any organization, it eventually fell prey to bureaucracy, growth for growth's sake, and a conflict-of-interest derived from the fact that it became so prohibitively expensive to become elected and to remain in office that our representatives can no longer realistically represent us because they are beholden to whomever writes the checks that keep them in power. Thus, our government has grown into a labyrinthine, bureaucratic "rat's nest" of convoluted processes, make-work and influence peddling - or as the humorist Will Rogers put it, "the best government money can buy." ResoNation provides a means for We-the-People to drag our governmental processes out of "smoke-filled back rooms" and into the bright light of day where we can take our country back from the military-industrial complex, restore our standing in the international community, and markedly improve our economic lot via something called The DayLight Movement . we won't get fooled again.