Emotions of You


By Shirleyann Regis

Publisher : Shirleyann Regis

ABOUT Shirleyann Regis

Shirleyann Regis
Shirleyann Regis attributes her gift to her childhood in St. Lucia where she is referred to as "the storyteller," and counts her blessings as she reflects upon her Grandmother's gift as the "first storyteller." "Grandmother would tell me stories that captured me an More...


Emotions of You is a book of poems and short stories written by Shirleyann Regis. The Author wanted to give emotions a voice and pull the readers into the pages of this book. Emotions of You is for everyone,as each reader will relate to the poems in a special way, this is the beauty of Emotions of You.

This great book of poems came about when the author developed writer's block from working on a novel, knowing she would not stop writing, she proceeded to write short stories and poems, without realizing it emotions of you came to life.

Emotions of You is a book of poems and short stories written by Shirleyann Regis. The Author wanted to give emotions a voice and pull the readers into the pages of this book. Emotions of You is for everyone,as each reader will relate to the poems in a special way, this is the beauty of Emotions of You. This great book of poems came about when the author developed writer's block from working on a novel, knowing she would not stop writing, she proceeded to write short stories and poems, without realizing it emotions of you came to life. This book of poems is a "Must Have" Emotions of You is truly a delightful warm book, every poem tells a moving story that holds the reader until the last poem is read.