What He Would Not Do: Mr. Darcy's Tale Continues

ABOUT P. O. Dixon

P. O. Dixon
P O Dixon acknowledges arriving rather late in the game. Her initial exposure to Pride and Prejudice was in 2007. After watching the 2005 film at least two times a day for as many weeks, she determined she needed to know much more of the story's hero. After reading the novel, along with se More...


Mr. Darcy's tale began with "To Have His Cake (and Eat It Too)", the amorous, provocative, and entertaining adaptation of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice". This equally tantalizing story focuses upon the Darcys in their first years of marriage. The story explores the trials and tribulations of marriage between two decidedly determined individuals during the Regency era and begs the question, "Does anyone really ever change?"

Continue on Mr. Darcy's journey. Discover what he would not do for friendship, for family, for honour, for love.