How Can You Give Up That Adorable Puppy

How Can You Give Up That Adorable Puppy

ABOUT Ray Rebman

ray rebman
author of How Can You Give Up That Adorable Puppy about a family's experiences raising puppies to become guide dogs 


Becky had an illness that changed her life. Needing a project to take her mind off her illness and offer her a chance to perform a community service, she vlunteers to raise puppies that become guide dogs for the sight impaired.
Through her project, Becky learns to deal with her illness and she grows as a person. Her family, working with her and the pups, learn as well and the activity brings the family closer together. 

my daughter becky was diagnosed with a serious illness that made it difficult for her to participate in most school activities. in seeeking an activity she could do, we decided to raise a puppy for the Seeing Eyue guide dog program.