Magdalena Ball

Magdalena Ball


Magdalena Ball runs TheCompulsive Reader. She is the author of the poetry books RepulsionThrust and Quark Soup,the novels Black Cow and Sleep Before Evening, a nonfiction book The Art ofAssessment, and, in collaboration with Carolyn Howard-Johnson, Deeper Intothe Pond, Blooming Red,Cherished Pulse, She WoreEmerald Then, and Imagining theFuture. She also runs a radio show, The Compulsive Reader Talks. Find out moreabout Magdalena at

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

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<p>Have you ever wondered about the dark side of the paranormal? This book contains information on demons, shadow people and negative earthbound spirits. It covers how to recognize the difference between each of these creatures, weaknesses, fears, appearances, abilities and how to get rid of them if possible. There is also information on what really works to protect you and what doesn't.</p>

Story Behind The Book


<div style="margin-bottom:.5em;"> <span style="margin-right:5px;"><span class="swSprite s_star_5_0" title="5.0 out of 5 stars"><span>5.0 out of 5 stars</span></span> </span> <span style="vertical-align:middle;"><strong>Vivid Images -- Moving Poems</strong>, July 22, 2011</span> </div> <div style="float:left;">By </div><a href=""><span style="font-weight:bold;">Nancy Famolari</span></a> (Pennsylvania, USA) <br /><br />Deeper Into the Pond is another successful collaboration between Carolyn Howard-Johns and Magdelena Ball. I my estimation this collection is even more mature and moving than their previous work. <br /><br />Vivid images in this collection of poems distill the lives of the women who wrote them. They speak to all the stages of life and our roles as women reminding us how far we've come and how much we have to be grateful for. They celebrate aging and our roles as wives, mothers and lovers. Whatever your age these poems will speak to you of times to look forward to or to remember. These are not poems to read once. They will stay with you forever. <br /><br />If you enjoy poetry, I highly recommend this collection.