David Millett

David Millett


David Millett is retired from a long career in the Information Technology industry. He was there in the beginning, when computers first became personal.
David has a passion for science, travel, hiking, flying, skiing, and writing. He keeps a journal of his travels at his living book: www.davidmillett.net. And he regularly writes travel articles for the Examiner.com.

Heir to a Prophecy

Heir to a Prophecy

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<p><span><span>Shakespeare's Witches tell Banquo, &quot;Thou Shalt 'Get Kings Though Thou Be None&quot;. Though Banquo is murdered, his son Fleance gets away. What happened to Fleance? What Kings? As Shakespeare's audience apparently knew, Banquo was the ancestor of the royal Stewart line. But the road to kingship had a most inauspicious beginning, and we follow Fleance into exile and death, bestowing the Witches' prophecy on his illegitimate son Walter. Born in Wales and raised in disgrace, Walter's efforts to understand Banquo's murder and honor his lineage take him on a long and treacherous journey through England and France before facing his destiny in Scotland.</span></span></p>

Story Behind The Book

Julia Buss and David Millett have been travelling most of their lives. Both are now proud Americans, but Julia was born and raised in England, and David was born in England and raised in Australia. Since 2007, they have traveled around the world twice and have visited every continent on the planet. In 2008, they flew a small, single engine aircraft around the edges of the USA. Their passions are travel and writing, but they also love photography, and videography. You can see much of their photographic and video work at their Living Book web site: www.davidmillett.net Julia is the author of the historical fiction: BLACK NIGHTINGALE, MARY SEACOLE HERO OF THE CRIMEAN WAR Julia is the author of the health book: YOUR CARE PLAN, A NURSE’S GUIDE TO HEALTHY LIVING David is the author of the science fiction novel: HOMO COSMIENS, A NEW BEGINNING TO THE FINAL ENDING Julia and David are co-authors of the travel adventure book: FLYING THE EDGE OF AMERICA, THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME


Gary Sorkin, Pacific Book Review<br /><p class="MsoNormal"><font size="3"><font size="+0"><font size="2"><font color="#0e0e0e">From the prolific keyboard of David Millett along with the photo-journalistic eye of Julia Buss, this traveling couple has compiled a delightful “Coffee Table” photo album of far-away and exotic places in their new book, <em>Continental Drifting: Exceptional Destinations Around the World.</em></font></font></font></font></p><font size="3"><font size="+0"><font size="2"><font color="#0e0e0e"></font></font></font></font><p class="MsoNormal">No moss gathers under these authors’ feet; as we have first been introduced to David and Julia with their debut book<em>, Flying the Edge of America</em>, in which David piloted his private plane circumnavigating the USA with Julia as his intrepid companion.<span></span>Now they have expanded their range to that of the entire world, traveling to each of the 7 continents and descending upon some of the most interesting and culturally diverse places on earth.<span></span>One could associate each letter of the alphabet to a location described and pictured in the book, many of which I challenge anyone (besides David &amp; Julia) to recognize without referencing: such as Aoraki, Bruges, Cradle Mtn., Fox (Glacier), Gard, Hanging Rock, Iguanzu (Falls), and so on to Kaikoura, Picton, and many more.<span></span>In fact, there’s literally a world of destinations, climates, animals and cultures for the arm-chair explorer to visit by simply paging this book.<span></span>It opens the reader’s eyes to the vast differences of our planet, with a focus on the natural beauty and ecosystem.<span></span></p><p class="MsoNormal">Each destination is written poetically in the first person, whereas the location is “speaking” about itself as if it were being its own tour guide.<span></span>The use of “I” becomes subliminally anticipated, and the friendliness of this style of writing brings this book down to the comprehension of many children and young adults; enabling perhaps for their life goals to “want to go there” being formed and dreams designed.<span></span>Many locations are further embellished with a thought provoking poem or essay describing itself within the colloquial vernacular or prose of the region.<span></span>The pictures, along with captions, are a collection of personal photographs as well as sourced from the public media.<span></span>A brief narrative and history lesson is written as a prologue which serves to set the tone of the book well, relaxing the reader to simply enjoy what is about to become revealed.<span></span>As a picture is worth 1,000 words, this is a voluminous work of thought provoking travel information that will educate while entertaining all lucky readers.<span></span></p><span>If you think about the adventure of traveling; which ultimately results in mere memories and photographs, <em>Continental Drifting</em> is a way to traverse the world vicariously through the exploits of David Millett and Julia Buss, by reading about their mémoires and seeing their photographs.<span></span>Graphically laid out in an artful fashion, this book is a wonderful gift or reference for any family library; even ideal for a waiting room whereas it can be started or stopped at any point, or flipped through quickly pausing as your attention gets focused on a “wow” photo.<span></span>The feeling I had from <em>Continental Drifting:<span></span>Exceptional Destinations Around the World</em>was how much there truly is to see, as this book can be a “bucket list” for those with the means and time to travel, like globetrotters David Millett &amp; Julia Buss.<span></span>With their adventurous, spirited and exotic thirst for travel, the authors are courageous in their quest for seeking out the essence of the diversity of the world we all call, somewhere, home.</span>