Patrick Douglas

Patrick Douglas


Patrick E. Douglas lives in Montana with his wife Jessica and their two sons Marky and Jack. Douglas, a journalist since 1994, has written for numerous magazines and newspapers across the country. A movie critic who has watched thousands of films, Douglas initially began writing novels as a way of getting the original stories in his brain onto paper. A non-fiction junkie, Douglas occasionally finds inspiration in fiction books from authors such as Chuck Palahniuk and Thomas Harris. He is also the author of several other books including, Redeem, Game Seven and Frankie Funder.

Dangerous Alliance

Dangerous Alliance

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<p>United Nations’ sanctions are crippling North Korea. China has turned her back on her malevolent partner. The North Korean military machine is crumbling, unable to function. Oil reserves are minimal and the government seeks new alliances.Cargo and tourist ships are disappearing along the Somali and Kenyan coastline at an alarming rate. Speeches abound, but inaction emboldens Al-Shabab to seek their next prize: Kenya. The terror organization controls land but requires weapons.Bedlam Bravo team leader Colonel Trevor Franklin (Ret.) leads the small international team into East Africa. Tempers flare as the team is embroiled in a political quagmire. The axis must be stopped to avert an international crisis but at what cost?Proudly published by Solstice Publishing</p>

Story Behind The Book


<p>L. Zindman - &quot;I can't stop crying. As a teacher, myself, I have to ask, </p> <p>&quot;What were his teachers thinking?&quot; Why did no one try to save this boy? </p> <p>It's too horrible to imagine that Christian went through a similar </p> <p>horror. You definitely give the reader a clear, concise picture. Thank </p> <p>you for writing this book.&quot;</p> <p>This one is on the Niobrara Facebook page, written by a youngster ...</p> <p>M. Sweatt - &quot;After I read this book I had a new view of life, that is in </p> <p>some words life is not 'unicorns and rainbows' but sometimes a fight to </p> <p>the death unfortunately. This book helped me realize that. This young </p> <p>boy just wanted love and all he got was hate. I myself being a child as </p> <p>old as this one am grateful I have a family that loves and cares for me </p> <p>and with that I will be eternally happy.&quot;</p>