Patrick E. Douglas lives in Montana with his wife Jessica and their two sons Marky and Jack. Douglas, a journalist since 1994, has written for numerous magazines and newspapers across the country. A movie critic who has watched thousands of films, Douglas initially began writing novels as a way of getting the original stories in his brain onto paper. A non-fiction junkie, Douglas occasionally finds inspiration in fiction books from authors such as Chuck Palahniuk and Thomas Harris. He is also the author of several other books including, Redeem, Game Seven and Frankie Funder.
Story Behind The Book
In the near future, with the economy failing and hoards of people out of work, many have become tethered to their debt. ArenasCorp has come up with a solution that involves selling limbs for loads of money intended to get people out of financial trouble. The rich get healthy body parts and the poor are able to buy a little more time. When a celebrity reporter reveals the latest ArenasCorp breakthrough—a cure for cancer—he also announces to the nation that he’s committing suicide for the program. His future reveals not the death that he expected but a situation that will make him wish he could take his own life.
The latest novel from master thriller author Patrick E. Douglas takes the reader on a terrifying trip through a dystopian world where love, desperation, sacrifice and greed mix in an unbelievably believable tale.