Demetria Banks

Demetria Banks


Dr. Demetria Springfield Banks is a highly sought after conference speaker and workshop clinician. On last year she published four great selling books covering topics from emotional healing to surviving drama in the wokrplace. Her mimistry, DSB MINISTRIES continues to make a profound effect on the lives of others through community workshops, individual and group coaching sessions, weekly intercessory prayer and much more!

Dr. Banks is a licensed evangelist in the Church of God In Christ and holds a Doctorate of Philosophy in Clinical Christian Counseling from the HeritageTheological Seminary. She is the wife of Walter James Banks, Jr and resides in Memphis, TN.

New Alpha Rising: Ascension Part I

New Alpha Rising: Ascension Part I

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<p>Countless years ago, measured in thousands, the Gods came first. Monstrous creations were born of their frivolity. Like the Gods, some of the creations were peaceful, others not. Their duty to preserve the earth completed once more, however, the day came that the Gods had to leave earth. Unleashed and with loose regulation, the abominable creations left behind multiplied. In their midst, another conception came to be, and his kind would exist absolutely outside of the God’s purview.<br />Unmated, alone, and untrusting of others, Chatran was charged to go to a place and protect the father of a great child, yet unborn. This duty, however, was unknown to the most cognizant part of Chatran. Only the Beast, who resided within him, knew. As a result, the Beast led Chatran to Walhalla, North Dakota. Although his initial charge was to protect the father he found there, Chatran also gained a mate and Pack. With them, Chatran also found a new way forward, and started on a course that would lead to – New Alpha Rising: Ascension.</p>

Story Behind The Book

After coaching with many individuals suffering with self-esteem issues, Dr. Dee decided to write this book to address this challenging topic as well as provide simple, yet effective action steps that are sure to help improve an individual's self-esteem.
