June Lundgren

June Lundgren


June Lundgren is a psychic-medium, animal communicator, healer, professional nurse and author. She comes from a long line of psychic women. Mentored by her maternal grandmother, June learned at an early age to use her gifts to help others.
As a psychic-medium, June communicates with those on the other side and helps the living find answers and peace. She has talked to animals since she was a child.  In 2009, God told her to write a book to let people know that He does hear their prayers but that what they want is not necessarily what they need. The result was her first book, A Medium’s Guide to the Paranormal.
Since then she has written three other paranormal based books: Paranormal Encounters book 1 and 2, the dark side of the paranormal. A paranormal romance: Outta Time, and two children’s books: Petals golden wings and Susie’s big adventure. She has a new series in the works entitled” Demon Seekers.
June lives on a small farm in Oregon with her husband and son. She works full-time at a medical clinic and writes books about her many paranormal experiences. Recently she began working with the NW Paranormal Investigative Team.

Dark Mind

Dark Mind

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<p>A Serial Killer Plagues an Island Paradise<br /><br />Vigilante detective Emily Stone continues her covert pursuits to find serial killers and child abductors, all under the radar while shadowing police investigations.<br /><br />Emily searches for an abducted nine-year-old girl taken by ruthless and enterprising slave brokers. Following the clues from California to the garden island of Kauai, she begins to piece together the evidence and ventures deep into the jungle.<br /><br />It doesn’t take long before Emily is thrown into the middle of murder, mayhem, and conspiracy. Locals aren’t talking as a serial killer now stalks the island, taking women in a brutal frenzy of ancient superstitions and folklore. Local cops are unprepared for what lies ahead. In a race against the clock, Emily and her team must identify the killer before time runs out.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Have you ever wondered about the dark side of the paranormal? This book contains information on demons, shadow people and negative earthbound spirits. It covers how to recognize the difference between each of these creatures. Their weaknesses, fears, appearances, abilities and how to get rid of them if possible. There is also information on what really works to protect you and what doesn’t.


<p><span style="color:rgb(75,79,86);font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:12.8px;background-color:rgb(241,240,240);">I've got to page 13 of the book and my good god alive I'm absolutely bloody hooked!! I've never read anything like it in my life it's absolutely amazing!!!!!! I cannot wait to read the rest of the book</span></p>