Frances Ruiz

Frances Ruiz


Frances Ruiz is a native of Asheville, NC. She holds a degree inCreative Writing with an Additional Major in Spanish from CarnegieMellon University. She has traveled to and lived in several differentcountries, including Argentina, Spain, and Austria.

Ascending Voice

Ascending Voice

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<p>Ascending Voice is a collection of love, loss, vulnerability and healing. The book speaks of self-love while finding the way through the lotus, a symbol of life. There are fifty journal pages at the end of the book to encourage any feelings that come up to be expressed. This journey of poetry and inspiring prose includes affirmations, mantras, and Dear Self letters. This book is for anyone who has ever been lost or through dark times and wishes to be inspired.</p>

Story Behind The Book


&quot;Frances Ruiz has crafted a delightful little story here, mixing elements of Harry Potter and Anne McCaffrey with a batch of likeable characters in an imaginative fairyland...Ruiz’s writing carries the story along with a gentle simplicity that is both charming and addictive...Long after I closed the book, I could feel my imagination humming with golden fairy wings and underwater castles.&quot; --Erin Stropes, Developmental Editor, Canada