
I am an Evangelist, Discipler, Children's TV Presenter, Author and Song Writer, called by Almighty God to preach His Word, to teach His people, to lead His church, to equip His body and to do His will. Mine is a position of service, of humility, promoting racial harmony, of sacrifice, of giving and loving. I have the privilege of feeding His sheep, of leading His people, of preaching His uncompromising - infallible Word, of doing His will in His beloved church. 

My business is people, my manual - the Holy Bible, my task to glorify God. My goal is a God-honouring, God pleasing, Holy, heaven bound church. His call on my life is to live the Truth, obey the Truth, grow daily in the Truth, practice the Truth, proclaim the Truth, all in a such a way as to exalt the One Who called and anointed me to do so, in Jesus' name, AMEN!

Born in Supino, Italy, Daniele Luciano Moskal is affectionately known as "THE PEN OF A READY WRITER", and the founder of Unique Writing Publications (UK) a Christian publishing ministry, that helps unique writers of eternal value get their book in print.

He is the author and publisher of over 35 books under the UWP banner, and 'ghost writer' of several other non-fiction and children's books all in print.

The Race for Flugal Farm

The Race for Flugal Farm

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<p>The Race for Flugal Farm is the first book in a trilogy that charters the lives and adventures of the inhabitants of the Riding Stables at Flugal Farm.</p><div>Times had been hard for George Flugal and his wife, and this inevitably resulted in him having to sell the majority of the school's horses until he was left its just four: Pogo, Biff, Troy and an ex-racehorse called Chance.</div><div>The horses who along with a young stable hand Rachelle Perkins, a dog named Nugget, a pig called Nigel and an old family friend Uncle Dave, make up the Flugal's extended family.</div><div>When they find themselves facing the possibility of having the farm repossessed by the bank, and bought out by the odious Mr Williams, have to pull together to enter a carriage drive in order to win the prize money and save their way of life.</div>

Story Behind The Book
