Lynda Coker

Lynda Coker


“Romance...the Way You Dream It”

I live in the rolling hills of Norteast Texas with myfavorite alpha-male, my husband of 44 years. We have two children, fivegrandchildren, and two great granddaughters. 

After retiring from my secular profession as a photographicand digital artist, I decided to start a second career. This time, my focus wasnot on making a living, but on following a dream. Always a voracious reader, Idecided to try writing the type of stories I loved to read. With the attitudethat "It's Never Too Late,” I made a five year plan to become published.Five years later, to the month, I realized my goal.

I love to write the character driven stories that speak tothe "Princess" in my heart and the "Warrior" in my soul.

When I’m having trouble with one of those stubborn alphamales or reluctant heroines, I like to take a break from my writing and playwith my fabric. I hate too much pre-plotting in writing and too much structurein sewing. I love to let the fabric’s mood, feel, color, smell, and the play oflight determine what I’ll make that day.

One thing is for sure. I AM NEVER BORED.


Title: The OceanBetween

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

ISBN: 1-60154-424-3

Available in: Print/eBook

Author’s Locality:Barron’s Book Store, Longview, Texas

Kudos for The OceanBetween:

First Place Winner in TheHeart of Denver’s 2006 “Molly” Contest.

Third Place Winner in TorontoCanada’s Golden Opportunity Contest


“I cheered for thecouple and I cried for them. Such emotion is truly only wrought from a wizardwith words and storytelling.”  Review posted at Mindy’s Minding Spot Blog

“This is a book thatwill remain on my shelf to be re-read!” Review posted at My Guilty Pleasures Blog

“I found myselflaughing, angry at times and even crying because the book is that good. I wasso engrossed in the story that I found myself thinking and wondering what wasgoing to happen next when I was not reading it.” Review posted at My Not So Hurried Life Blog.

She Does Not Fear the Snow

She Does Not Fear the Snow

0 ratings


<p><font color="#000000" face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><span style="line-height:normal;">An Amazon #1 bestseller with 50+ glowing reviews. </span></font></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">Available in Kindle and print.</span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">From the very start of her faith autobiography, ‘She Does Not Fear the Snow’, author Bobbie Ann Cole reaches out across the page and endears herself to her reader. You will very quickly feel that you know her, and will be richer for the knowledge. </span></p><div style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;height:auto;"><div>She comes to Israel, seeking meaning and purpose for her life, following breast cancer and the demise of her long-standing marriage. There, God claims her and lays a trail of miracles that lead her from her native England to a new husband of faith in Atlantic Canada. <br />Though she is upfront about her ending, you’ll find yourself longing to learn the next step in her discovery of new love and deeper faith journey. This is one of those books you just can’t put down. Potentially, you’ll be following the twists and turns of her journey into the wee small hours. <br />‘A mysterious rug with a life-changing message, a Ruth-type love story, fascinating interactions with other believers, poetic descriptions of landscapes many native Canadians take for granted—and a message of God’s love and salvation,’ writes critic Margaret Welwood. ‘Bobbie Ann Cole’s story is a little too strange and untidy to be fiction. As a true story, it will leave you satisfied, yet wanting to know more.’ <br />‘Often times, life will take us to the end of our rope, leaving us helpless and at our wit’s end. Yet, even in such dire situations, our God is not helpless. He will bring in plentiful harvest – a harvest of renewal, hope, joy and happiness in our life,’ says Khamneithang Vaiphei. ‘She Does Not Fear the Snow is an incredible testimony that will have a profound impact on you.’ <br />If mystery, romance, women’s faith issues, the Jewish roots of Christianity, Christian living or outreach appeal to you, you will find much to enjoy.</div><div> </div></div>

Story Behind The Book

Have you ever scanned rows of books, never to find that special something that would spark your interest? Not that you haven't enjoyed zillions of books by many talented writers, but that one story that hovers at the edge of your imagination, just isn't to be found. That's when I decided to write the story myself. the one only I could write. I hope my readers enjoy the reading as much as I enjoyed the writing.


<p class="MsoNormal"><strong>Kudos for The Ocean Between:</strong></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><strong>First Place Winner</strong> in <em>The Heart of Denver’s 2006 “Molly” Contest.</em></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><strong>Third Place Winner</strong> in <em>Toronto Canada’s Golden Opportunity Contest</em></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><strong>Reviews</strong></p><p class="MsoNormal"></p><p class="MsoNoSpacing"><span></span>&quot;A TRULY SPECTACULAR STORY IN A BREATHTAKING ROMANTIC ADVENTURE!&quot;, September 23, 2009 </p> <p class="MsoNoSpacing"></p><br /><table class="MsoNormalTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td style="padding:0in;" valign="top"> <p class="MsoNoSpacing">By </p> </td> <td style="padding:0in;"> <p class="MsoNoSpacing"><a></a><a href=""><span>Geraldine Ahearn &quot;Author Geri Ahearn&quot;<span></span></span><span></span></a></p> </td> </tr><tr><td style="padding:0in;" valign="top"><br /></td> <td style="padding:0in;"><br /></td> </tr><tr><td style="padding:0in;" valign="top"><br /></td> <td style="padding:0in;"><br /></td> </tr></tbody></table><p class="MsoNoSpacing"></p><br /><p class="MsoNoSpacing">It has been noted for decades that in the world of romance and relationships, opposites attract, and statistics have shown that many still believe it. Unfortunately, this is a myth for Victoria Ballard, even though her prince charming is tall, dark and handsome. However, the reason why this is a myth in Victoria's situation is because she was forced to marry Prince Rashid Davar, through a marriage contract that was made between her father, and Rashid. Victoria's father, who was the light of her life, agreed on the contract to ensure his peace of mind, prior to his passing. He wanted his daughter to be in good hands. </p> <p class="MsoNoSpacing"></p><br /><p class="MsoNoSpacing">Although his intentions were loving and caring for his daughter's well-being, a forced marriage left Victoria in total devastation, especially when Rashid was the type of man she feared. To make matters worse, she had no intentions to engage in a relationship, or consider marriage. She worked hard, and devoted her life to climbing the ladder of success. She achieved, and her goals and dreams were to continue to improve her career as a New York financial executive. Her father, her career, and her independence meant everything to her, until her entire world fell apart. </p> <p class="MsoNoSpacing"></p><br /><p class="MsoNoSpacing">How does Victoria survive in a forced marriage, with a man she wants to run from, who is known to her as ruthless? Does Victoria and Rashid find love, or a dangerous affair? What tragedy happened in Victoria's life that she takes the blame for? What happened to Victoria's brother? How far does Victoria go with her resentment to Rashid? Why was Victoria determined to reach the top of her father's corporation? </p> <p class="MsoNoSpacing"></p><br /><p class="MsoNoSpacing">I highly recommend this novel to all Contemporary Romance lovers and to those who enjoy adventure, combined with drama. Lynda Coker created a plot that draws the reader's attention from page-to-page with vivid imagery in a powerfully moving story of love, betrayal, and redemption. The title fits the story like a glove, the characters come to life, and the adventure is filled with challenges as two cultures clash. &quot;THE OCEAN BETWEEN&quot; is as heartbreaking as NOW &amp; FOREVER and contains as much shifting drama as Danielle Steel's KALIDOSCOPE, with Jaclyn Smith, and Perry King.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><strong><br /></strong></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><em>“I cheered for the couple and I cried for them. Such emotion is truly only wrought from a wizard with words and storytelling.”<span>  </span></em>Review<em> posted at Mindy’s Minding Spot Blog</em></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><em>“This is a book that will remain on my shelf to be re-read!”</em> Review posted at <em>My Guilty Pleasures Blog</em></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><em>“I found myself laughing, angry at times and even crying because the book is that good. I was so engrossed in the story that I found myself thinking and wondering what was going to happen next when I was not reading it.” </em>Review posted at<em> My Not So Hurried Life Blog.</em></p><p></p>