Kathy lives in a small town in Virginia, in the Chesapeake Bay area, where she raised her four daughters. She loves writing, and does so in many genres, from poetry, to horror. From children’s books, to romance. From crime drama, to paranormal. In fact, what ever muse hits her, Kathy can paint vivid characters, some you will fall in love with, want to share in their adventures, and some you will love to hate, and still others that will send you running for a place to hide.
Demon Seekers: The Journey Begins
<p>Sayetta is an archangel who has been sent into the physical world to seek out eight archangels who have been reborn into the world. She knows that she cannot do it in the form of an angel so she takes on a human form to move through among us in the physical world. Gabe a mortal has the soul of a warrior angel. He is reborn in physical form to prepare for her coming. He is born with abilities that he is unaware he has.</p><p>All of his life Gabe had been having dreams of a ruined church. He never knew the name of the church, but the dream was always the same. In the dream, he was standing facing the ruins of the church. But he didn’t look like a human. Instead, he was an angel with pure white wings and a golden countenance. Another much larger angel appeared to him. The angel pointed towards what was left of the door and said “Enter, your journey has just begun and your guide awaits you.</p><p>Sayetta finds out from Archangel Michael that Lucifer has sent an old demon to find and stop Auriel from removing the demons he has imprisoned in the earth.</p><p>They receive a little help from the Archangels Azuriel and Gabriel as they journey to locate Auriel. It’s a race to find Auriel before the demon does. In the end, it’s a battle between two powerful beings, one good and one evil.</p>
Story Behind The Book
Good and evil ride the wind
and when they touch a young girl's soul,
she can only pray that evil,
isn’t all that pass through her gate!
Run girls! Scream if you must!
But there is no place to hide,
and no one to hear you!
John Tyler is going to rock your world
and turn you inside out.
To his will, you will bend,
or you will break!
But one thing is certain,
his evil will be, CONCEIVED…!”
A novel to be read
On dark stormy nights
when you are home alone,
Or with someone
you dare to trust.
But will that someone
sitting next to you,
Be friend, or foe?
Will the demon spill his seed,
And possess the unborn child
in the womb
of someone you love?
Maybe even yours?
Venturing further down this road of darker fiction, this author, with Conceiving Evil, demands our attention and this gruesome and entertaining entry is a damn good start for a boisterous voice in horror fiction in works to come.
Posted October 14, 2008, 11:05 AM EST: Conceiving Evil is one horror book that no true horror fans wants to miss.<br />The charaters are great, and a little offbeat at times. The plot flows from one situation to another with ease. I give the author an A plus for originality. Fantastic read.<br />Posted April 27, 2007, 6:27 PM EST: Wow John/demon has a great plan, get a girl pregnant, and possess the unborn child so he can escape from hell forever and create his own kingdom upon the earth. Good and evil have one heck of a battle in this horror<br /><br /><h4><img border="0" alt="" src="http://images.barnesandnoble.com/presources/community/images/cust5.gif" /> Reader Rating <a style="margin-left:10px;" class="reviewOverlay dropdownIcon byReviewID" href="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Conceiving-Evil/Kathy-Lynn-Blaylock/e/9781413781502/?itm=1&usri=conceiving+evil#"><font color="#5a7d56">See Detailed Ratings</font></a></h4>
<p>Posted April 22, 2007, 1:48 PM EST: I think the author found the perfect way for a demon to gain access to the human race. I mean what better way than to use a young girl's womb as a gate way, and her unborn child as the key. Look out humanity, this fiction author hasa great mind for spinning tales that will chill you to the bone and beyond.<br /><br /></p>
<p>Posted November 29, 2006, 5:03 PM EST: Conceiving Evil, shines a whole new light on demons, that's for sure. John Tyler has his own way of bringing evil into the world, and his targets in this book, has only one chance to survive. Good and evil, what a ride!<br /></p>