David Harrison

David Harrison


Dr David Harrison has written many articles and papers on the history of Freemasonry for a number of magazines and journals. His celebrated article on the Masonic rebellion in Liverpool recently appeared in Freemasonry Today: The Best of Ten Years Symbols and Mysteries. He has worked as a history lecturer for ten years and researched the complex and hidden history of English Freemasonry for his Phd, which was published by Lewis Masonic and titled The Genesis of Freemasonry.  Dr. Harrison has recently been interviewed on many radio programs including the BBC, and has appeared on the contraversial Sky TV program Gardiner's World, discussing his book.

Christianity, the Law of Attraction and the One Command: Bible Principles Revealed and Applied to Every Day Living

Christianity, the Law of Attraction and the One Command: Bible Principles Revealed and Applied to Every Day Living

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<p>The Bible spells out in God's terms what &quot;The Secret&quot; said in human terms. &quot;Christianity, The Law of Attraction and The One Command &quot; is the bridge between God's word, His universal laws, The One Command by Asara Lovejoy and you.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Dr David Harrison has written many articles and papers on the history of Freemasonry for a number of magazines and journals. His celebrated article on the Masonic rebellion in Liverpool recently appeared in Freemasonry Today: The Best of Ten Years Symbols and Mysteries. He has worked as a history lecturer for ten years and researched the complex and hidden history of English Freemasonry for his Phd, which was published by Lewis Masonic and titled The Genesis of Freemasonry. Dr. Harrison has recently been interviewed on many radio programs including the BBC, and has appeared on the contraversial Sky TV program Gardiner's World, discussing his book.


This is an amazing book, and I would highly recomend it to any one interested in the history freemasonry and secret societies. It also covers the social history of the 18th century in England, and looks into the influences of freemasonry; magic, alchemy, necromancy, and looks at historical freemasons such as Christopher Wren, Elias Ashmole and Jean Desaguliers. It easy and enjoyable to read, and unlike some books on the history of freemasonry, it uses proper documents and source material and is all fully referenced. Its got some nice pictures in it as well!