Paulette Harper Johnson

Paulette Harper Johnson


Asought after speaker, certified life coach, minister and author. As aninspirational and motivational speaker, Paulette’s desire is to motive women toreach their God given potential through conferences, workshops and seminars. Combiningenthusiasm with an energetic speaking style, audiences describe Paulette’spresentation as inspiriting, enriching and encouraging. She is committed tospeaking a message that is always uplifting and edifying.

Asa writing coach, Paulette is the visionary behind “Write Now” (releasing theword in you) literary workshops designed to coach aspiring writers in the areasof creativity, development and publication of Christian books.

Paulettehas authored such books as That Was Then,This Is Now , This Broken VesselRestored.  That Was Then, This Is Now, achieved national recognition, becoming a finalist in the 2009Next Generation Indie Book Award. Moreover, it ranked consecutively on theBlack Christian Publishers Bestsellers List for Independent Publishers(non-fiction category) andher newest release Completely Whole  was published under her own publishing companyThy Word Publishing. She is the co-authorof Victorious Living for Women. Her next book For Such a Time as This will be releasedin 2011 in addition to Victorious Livingfor Moms.

Vital Temptations: A Heart's Betrayal

Vital Temptations: A Heart's Betrayal

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<p>Dr. Bethany McNeal is living her dream as a pediatric resident in one of the most sought-after medical centers in Seattle. Beautiful and intelligent, she’s missing only one thing—love, which she put on hold to focus on her career after ending a tumultuous relationship. Everything changes when she meets Dr. Brent Anderson, a charming and handsome fellow resident. Despite her reservations, Bethany falls for Brent—hard. When she learns Brent is married several months into their relationship, she immediately breaks it off. After graduating residency and going their separate ways, Bethany tries to move on with another man—real estate broker and personal trainer Charles Blakely. But just when things get serious with Charles, she realizes she’s still in love with Brent, and she finds herself caught between the two men, facing a series of difficult decisions and harrowing events that will change her life forever. Will she be able to recover from the vital temptations that turned her perfect life upside down?</p>

Story Behind The Book

How could God have a purpose for me amidst this mess? Why do such bad things happen to good people? If you’ve recently asked yourself these questions, Paulette Harper’s That was Then, This is Now has the answers. Struggling to recover from a broken marriage and disappointed dreams, Paulette Harper gropes for meaning and understanding, and through her searching, God reveals Himself to her in ways she never before imagined possible. By sharing her struggles with transparency, she illustrates how a heart attitude of surrender allows God to use a broken vessel for His ultimate plans of glory.
