Story Behind The Book
Heaven is...?
A short story by
M T McGuire
Published by M T McGuire – this is the Edition
© December 2009, M T McGuire
If you like this story, look out for my new release,‘Few are Chosen’, the first in a comic fantasy trilogy, to be released as an e-book soon. Keep checking for details.
Hello there kindly reader,
Thank you for downloading this free e-short.
Please feel free to share it with anyone you like. In fact, so long as you keep it in its original form, you can do pretty much whatever you want with it unless you’re using/publishing excerpts (then you need to ask me) or making money out of it – in which case you need to give me a cut!
If you like it you can help to make sure your future halo is shiny (and help a struggling author) by writing a review saying how smashing you think it is.
If you have any questions you can contact me by leaving me a comment on my blog at and I’ll get back to you
I will also have a website soon – going live early in 2010 – at
Right, I think that’s about it. Enjoy.