Peggy Williams

Peggy Williams


Peggy Williams, M.Ed., LPC, is a retired licensed counselor. She received her Master's degree at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. She spent twenty plus years working with children and their parents. She understands that both need positive activities that help build self-esteem and positive relationships. She feels bird watching can be one of those activities that can build into more than just a hobby. It can become a lifestyle. Many vacations are planned around birding! Her advice is: "Enjoy!"

My Fingerpaint Masterpiece Coloring Book

My Fingerpaint Masterpiece Coloring Book

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<p>Have you ever seen a &quot;work of art&quot; worth millions, which looks like something your child just brought home from school?</p><p>The dual perspective of &quot;Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder&quot; and just a little bit of &quot;The Emperor's New Clothes&quot; is evident in this clever artwork story of a child who paints a fingerpaint print in class and then loses it in the wind on the way home.</p><p>Illustrated from the point of view of a child, whose identity is left to the imagination of the reader since all of the illustrations are what the child sees, the fingerpaint print is interpreted by official &quot;judges&quot; as well as by bystanders. Should people be influenced by what others see, or use their own self-esteem to make their own judgments? This coloring book version allows children to illustrate their own version of the book, and even to create a &quot;masterpiece&quot; of their own!</p><p>This is the fourth rhyming children's coloring book by this award-winning author, whose other bestselling books include David's ADHD, My Little Angel, The Golden Rule, Mice &amp; Spiders &amp; Webs...Oh My!, Manner-Man, Gimme-Jimmy, The Magic Word, Peter and the Whimper-Whineys and Santa's Birthday Gift.</p><p><strong>About The Author:</strong> Former teacher Sherrill S. Cannon has won over 100 awards for her previous rhyming books and coloring books, and is also the author of 7 published and internationally performed plays for elementary school children. She has been called &quot;a modern day Dr. Seuss.&quot; - GTMA Review</p>

Story Behind The Book

My life's work has always centered on helping others. As a licensed therapist and the wife of a Methodist minister, I found myself every day around children either at work, home or church. Many children in today’s fast world are hurting for quality time and closer relationships with positive adults. The best way I’ve found that parents can provide this for their children is to plan and take the time to be with their children and enjoy activities together. This provides time not only for hobbies or whatever activity but also for the much needed conversations to take place between parent and child that helps to form closer, trusting relationships. This goes a long way in getting through the teen years for both of them. As we both are nearing retirement age, we hope to continue helping through writing in one form or another. I decided to use the children’s book genre to share with the children while encouraging parent participation as well.


<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center;" align="center"><strong><span style="font-size:14pt;">Friends in the Meadow</span></strong></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center;" align="center"><strong><span style="font-size:14pt;"></span></strong></p><br /><p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:center;" align="center"><strong><span style="font-size:14pt;">Birds</span></strong></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify;"><strong><span style="font-size:14pt;"></span></strong></p><br /><p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify;"></p><br /><p class="MsoNormal">Award winning and best-selling authors have shared these reviews on Visit there to read the full reviews.</p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"></p><br /><p class="MsoNormal"><strong>Review Excerpts:</strong></p><p></p> <p class="MsoNormal"></p><br /><p class="MsoNormal"></p>“Peggy Williams has written a delightful, fun, and educational introduction to bird watching for children. The book is wonderfully written with younger children in mind perhaps pre-school through elementary school. I think this book would make an excellent addition to elementary school science curriculums, Girl Scout and Boy Scout troop activities, 4-H and Cloverbud group activities, or for that special child who loves nature.”<br /><br /><br />By K. Bird<br /> <br /><br /><br />“The book is written in a narrative nonfiction format that makes it quite readable.”<br /><br /><br />By Novelist, Author of <strong>Writing Children’s Books for Dummies</strong><br /><br /><br /> <br />“At the stories heart is a message of acceptance. By accepting each other the way we are, not in spite of our differences but with them, the world can be a more peaceful place. Who wouldn’t want to impact both the knowledge of Nature as well as these heartfelt sentiments to the next generation?”<br /><br /><br />By G. Reba<br /><br /><br /> <br />“I would recommend it to bird watchers anywhere who hope to influence their children to get a feel for birding.”<br /><br /><br />By P.A. Whittington, Author of <strong>What a Hullabaloo!</strong><br /> <br /><br /><br />“What a great book for any child! “<strong>Friends in the Meadow-Birds</strong>” has beautiful photos of birds. This book is bound to start any child to a life-long hobby of birding.”<br /><br /><br />By Barbara J. Smith, Author of A <strong>Surprise for Grandmother Rabbit<br /></strong><br /><br /> <br />“I recommend this book to parents, teachers or leaders of organizations interested in exposing kids of any age to the wonderful hobby of birding. Thank you Peggy, for putting together such a sweet and educational book for kids.”<br /><br /><br />By Lisa Maddock, Author of A <strong>Tale of Two Guinea Pigs and The Bridezilla Who Stole Christmas-A Teddy &amp; Pip Story</strong>.<br /><br /><br /><p></p>