Hamish Pillay

Hamish Pillay


Hamish Pillay was born in 1978 in
East London in the Eastern Cape
of South Africa. He studied at
Rhodes University before pursuing
a career as a marketing consultant,
specializing in events and talent
management. He worked for the
ICC 2003 Cricket World Cup, prior
to which he was employed by Justin
Nurse’s satirical, controversial
Laugh-It-Off Promotions. In
writing The Rainbow Has No Pink,
his first book, he seeks to publicize
some of the more bizarre aspects of
the former apartheid regime and highlight how “the reality is that
apartheid is not over”.

Dead Burn

Dead Burn

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<p>Terrified California residents face the shocking dilemma of yet another serial killer roaming freely in their neighborhoods. However, this time it is an evolving serial killer anomaly that relentlessly searches for, hunts down, and ingeniously traps his victims before unleashing his fiery rage. Always two steps ahead of the cops and fire investigators, the killer hones in on the next sinful target leaving a trail of bones and ashes behind as evidence. It rocks the criminal justice system to the core as a string of arson murders hits inside their turf.</p><p>Vigilante detective Emily Stone hunts serial killers and child abductors, covertly and under the law enforcement radar, with her intrinsic skills of criminal profiling and forensic investigation. With Stone’s toughest case yet, the arson serial killer immediately crosses her radar and sends her into the dark territory of a lethal pyromaniac’s mind – to the point of no return.</p><p>While following the clues of the relentless firebomber, Stone grabs the attention of a government anti-terrorist organization called GATE that oversees all law enforcement cases across the U.S., which now focuses their sights on her proven abilities. They have very specific plans for her, whether she likes it or not.</p><p>Everything teeters on the edge of reality, as Stone must battle for her life between a hired assassin and an arson serial killer. Lines are drawn on both sides of the law. Friendships and lovers are tested.</p>

Story Behind The Book

It took me 4 years from first hearing about the true story behind the abuse of young conscripts in the South African Defence Force. Many of the perpetrators of these abuses never faced any charges and some still live and practice medicine in the free world today while their victims live tortured lives with no hope of justice prevailing. This novel is work of fiction but is inspired by actual events that took place in South Africa during the 1970's and 1980's


<div>“We have looked the beast in the eye. Our past will no</div><div>longer keep us hostage. We who are the rainbow people</div><div>of God will hold hands and say, ‘Never again! Nooit weer!</div><div>Ngeke futhi! Ga reno tlola!’”</div><div>Archbishop Desmond Tutu</div><div>The Truth and Reconciliation Hearings</div><div>April 15, 1996–July 31, 1998</div>