Marta Daniels

Marta Daniels


I'm cute and quirky, smart and sassy, and a little clumsy! I love God, life, my husband and my family! Also great movies, phenomenal books, the word "awesome", and how could I forget CHOCOLATE!!!

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

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<p>Have you ever wondered about the dark side of the paranormal? This book contains information on demons, shadow people and negative earthbound spirits. It covers how to recognize the difference between each of these creatures, weaknesses, fears, appearances, abilities and how to get rid of them if possible. There is also information on what really works to protect you and what doesn't.</p>

Story Behind The Book

I have been a restaurant server for over ten years. In this biz, you learn a lot about people- the good, the bad and the ugly. You make great money, horrible money, and everything in between. One of the most important things I've learned is that RCs (restaurant customers) sabotage their own dining experiences all the time, and I wrote this book to help inform people so they can stop making those mistakes. Restaurant employees and restaurant customers alike will find this book to be quite humorous!
