Lindsay has always had a fascination with the dark and mysterious corners of her mind. More than 15 years ago, she decided to share those ideas in the form of writing so that others could be not only entertained but also chilled to the core. When Lindsay is not sitting at her computer and creating her next thriller for fans to enjoy, she is a devoted wife and mother living in the rural outskirts of London, ON.
Lindsay has published three novels, Stolen Prey, The Lothgoliar, and Exposing Dallas.
Follow Lindsay at her blog to read more about her writing, random topics, and short stories.
<p>Countless years ago, measured in thousands, the Gods came first. Monstrous creations were born of their frivolity. Like the Gods, some of the creations were peaceful, others not. Their duty to preserve the earth completed once more, however, the day came that the Gods had to leave earth. Unleashed and with loose regulation, the abominable creations left behind multiplied. In their midst, another conception came to be, and his kind would exist absolutely outside of the God’s purview.<br />Unmated, alone, and untrusting of others, Chatran was charged to go to a place and protect the father of a great child, yet unborn. This duty, however, was unknown to the most cognizant part of Chatran. Only the Beast, who resided within him, knew. As a result, the Beast led Chatran to Walhalla, North Dakota. Although his initial charge was to protect the father he found there, Chatran also gained a mate and Pack. With them, Chatran also found a new way forward, and started on a course that would lead to – New Alpha Rising: Ascension.</p>
<div class="item_review_block"><span class="stars_rated_container"></span> <div class="UIRating" title="Rated 4.0 stars"><span class="stars"><img class="star_1 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_2 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_3 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_4 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_5 empty" alt="." src="" /></span></div><span class="date_reviewed_container">Oct. 10, 2010</span> <span class="author_reviewed_container">By Christopher Johnson</span> <div class="descr_reviewed_container">Intense. Suspenseful. Great detailed scenes. This book really makes you think. Easy to read and well written. Keeps readers on edge and wanting to read more. <div class="report_review_container"> </div></div></div> <div class="item_review_block"><span class="stars_rated_container"><span class="stars"><img class="star_1 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_2 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_3 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_4 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_5 whole" alt="*" src="" /></span></span><span class="date_reviewed_container">Nov. 2, 2010</span> <span class="author_reviewed_container">By Zach Wilson</span> <div class="descr_reviewed_container">Pretty intense. could be good for a movie idea in the future! <div class="report_review_container"> </div></div></div> <div class="item_review_block"><span class="stars_rated_container"></span> <div class="UIRating" title="No Rating"><span class="stars"><img class="star_1 empty" alt="." src="" /><img class="star_2 empty" alt="." src="" /><img class="star_3 empty" alt="." src="" /><img class="star_4 empty" alt="." src="" /><img class="star_5 empty" alt="." src="" /></span><span class="norating"><span class="text">No Rating</span> <span class="mask"> </span> </span></div><span class="date_reviewed_container">Sep. 27, 2010</span> <span class="author_reviewed_container">By Louise Heard</span> <div class="descr_reviewed_container">A book has to grab me right from the git go or I loose interest.This book is definetly a winner. Can't wait for the Lothgoliar! Keep it up Lindsay, you are a great author. <div class="report_review_container"> </div></div></div> <div class="item_review_block"><span class="stars_rated_container"></span> <div class="UIRating" title="Rated 5.0 stars"><span class="stars"><img class="star_1 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_2 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_3 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_4 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_5 whole" alt="*" src="" /></span></div><span class="date_reviewed_container">Oct. 31, 2010</span> <span class="author_reviewed_container">By Lynda Savauge</span> <div class="descr_reviewed_container">Not being a person who reads very many books, I was pleasantly surprised how this book captivated and forced me to neglect my duties until I had finished reading it. Stolen Prey started out with a dead body being found in a bathtub so the more I read ,the more I had to. I'm looking forward to her next book as well. What a fantastic gift to give for Christmas or any other gift giving time. <div class="report_review_container"> </div></div></div> <div class="item_review_block"><span class="stars_rated_container"></span> <div class="UIRating" title="Rated 4.0 stars"><span class="stars"><img class="star_1 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_2 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_3 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_4 whole" alt="*" src="" /><img class="star_5 empty" alt="." src="" /></span></div><span class="date_reviewed_container">Sep. 16, 2010</span> <span class="author_reviewed_container">By Sherri Wilson</span> <div class="descr_reviewed_container">This book was great! Nice build up to the really did her homework on this one. can't wait for the Lothgoliar!</div></div>