Sarah was born in March 1969 in Dunfermline, Scotland, but didn't live there long.She currently lives in Chesterfield, a lovely market town in the UK.
She's a pisces according to one zodiac and a rooster by another. Make of that what you will.
Mother to 2 children and running her own business from home, Ethics Trading, as well as writing means Sarah is always busy. But in what spare time she has she keeps chickens and grows some of the family's fruit and veg.
Sarah began writing properly after a dare was issued by a good friend in November 2005. But she's been making stories since teenage years, just never got round to finishing anything or writing most of them down.
Story Behind The Book
November 2009 came round in a mist of ill health and I almost didn't take part. But during October my writing buddy and various other friends cajoled me into it, again. So did my kids.
"But Mum, I want to read one of your books!"
A kids book it is then.
The Map and the Stone was written for my then nine year old son, for him to be able to read when it gets released, when he would be ten. It is told from the point of view of a ten year old boy struggling at school, feeling very alone, missing his dad.
I set myself two challenges - the resulting story had to be suitable for my son to read and it had to be complete when I finished writing at the end of November. I wanted a shorter book this time.