For Authors

conrad larson




ConradLarson is the proud father of five sons. He was a farmer and a coachfor basketball, baseball and football, a post secondary teacher, a laypreacher, truck driver, and jack of a lot of trades but master of none.While working for several major international companies he traveled toEurope and the Middle East for stints of work. The farming endeaversincluded a sheep operation, a beef cow operation, beef feedlot,managing a large dairy farm for a bank and developing a hydroponicgrowing facility for tomatoes in the northern climates. Coachingtournaments, playing sports and participation in many tournaments havebeen a passion. Conrad even competed in major league facilities, as dida couple of his sons. Writing this book was a real stretch for Conradand has been a real emotional struggle and a great accomplishment.

Hecontinues to be entrepreneurial in his endeavers which more closelyidentifies his life. He likes work and challenges of all kinds. Conradenjoys the new lives of his grandchildren while watching his sons grow
as fathers.


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