For Authors

Bruce Batchelor



About the author BRUCE BATCHELOR: Though he'd lived in theYukon for five years, the author's unfulfilled dream was to spend awinter in a remote wilderness cabin with a woman he loved, training dogteams and making long expeditions. When he teamed up with backcountryranger Marsha McGillis in 1980, the (mis)adventures could begin!

Bruce Batchelor came to the Yukon in 1973, planning to stay justlong enough to earn money for a trip to Europe. Instead, he fell inlove with the wilderness and its people, and stayed for most of thenext eight years. He has written three books about his stay in theNorth. Marsha McGillis, heroine of Nine Dog Winter, agreed tomarry him in 1983. Their son, Dan, was born in 1992. They live inVictoria, BC. Bruce and Marsha own Agio Publishing House,where he edits and directs marketing, while Marsha designs the booksand Dan takes photos.

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