For Authors

Genii Townsend



Genii dropped out of high school andlater found herself a divorced mother of a son and daughter trying to figureout how to support them with no office experience and totally no businesssense.

The answer came in the form of entertaining through the medium ofpuppets (which was not an area remembered as a child). All she knew was thatbeing Positive and using her Imagination that anything she wanted she couldhave which could be interesting ... and profitable.

She changed her name from Jean toGenii as it seemed to have magic attached and she needed a lot of that if shewas to survive with the children and THE MAGIC HAPPENED!

She went on to createa zillion puppets and marionettes and performed professionally from Disneylandand into Las Vegas, made commercials funnier, pulled strings in motion picturesand was a co-performer with Carol Burnette on her show with a look-a-likefigure of Carol’s charwoman Genii had created.

Genii's big dream was to have abirthday party theater where children could have a special place of honor toenjoy. What then began as a tiny storefront theater, expanded four times into atwo story 5000 square foot building where thousands of kids and parentscelebrated for 18 years consecutively with many being famous stars of stage,television and motion pictures.

Genii has been awarded many honorsincluding several by the Puppeteers of America for advancing puppetry, Who'sWho in America and NAWBO, the National Association of Women Business Owners. Inbetween and at present she leads womens, self discovery seminars and Playshopssuch as: TheCinderella Connection: Inner Child Healing Doll Classes; The PowerWomen; and The Thirteen Goddesses of Inner Light.

Genii is the author of: TheLittle Light Being: The Sickness Bug; Out of theGourd-inary .... Plants with an Attitude; Conversations About Ultimate Destinywith Who-No, A Spirit Coach, Discover a Genii's Secrets of How to Grant YourOwn Wishes, and The Sedona City of Light.

Genii lives in Sedona, Arizona. Sheand her business partner Charles Betterton have co-founded two cause-orientedcompanies (the Imagination Celebration, Inc. and Ultimate Destiny Network andthree non-profit organizations (The Light Center, Ultimate Destiny Universityand CENTER SPACE (the Center for Spiritual, Personal And CommunityEnlightenment)

Genii delights in creating celebritymarionettes and presenting them to the star so they can pull their own strings.She is now working with Ultimate Destiny University to create “empowermentmarionettes” of world- class authors and trainers such as Deepak Chopra, LesBrown, Mark Victor Hansen and celebrities such as Oprah, Whoopi, and EllenDegeneres to help children of all ages become empowered and learn how to usetheir creative imagination, Imagine That!

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