For Authors

Jathan Janove



Since the early 1980’s, Jathan Janove has been helping employers maintain workforce performance expectations without paying a price in employment litigation or union trouble. This challenge has become a lot more difficult for employers who must cope with global economic change in a legal system that is increasingly litigious, union-friendly, and sympathetic to employees.

Jathan has shifted his professional practice over the years from “fire fighting” to “fire prevention.” This means showing management how it can increase employee productivity and accountability, and make tough but necessary personnel decisions while protecting the bottom line.

Jathan is the author of Managing to Stay Out of Court: How to Avoid The 8 Deadly Sins of Mismanagement (Berrett-Koehler Publishers and SHRM 2005), now in its second printing. The Library Journal made it a recommended selection, and its reviewer, Richard Drezen of The Washington Post, described it as “an extraordinarily useful book that will benefit managers and workers. Strongly recommended for all business collections."

He has also authored The Star Profile: A Management Tool To Unleash Employee Potential (Davies-Black Publishing 2008). The Star Profile has been featured in Investor’s Business Daily for its value in increasing ROI on human capital. The Midwest Book Review gave it 5 stars on Amazon and wrote: “The Star Profile is a guide to crafting communications tools that cut straight to the point, don’t waste the reader’s or listener’s time, yet remain highly effective.” The book was also a selection of Soundview Executive Book Summaries, which wrote: “While reading The Star Profile, it is easy to get excited about the potential of this tool for creating effective, fulfilling, mutually respectful employee-manager relationships.”

Jathan is a co-author of HR Magazine’s Guide to Managing People (SHRM 2006), and has published numerous articles on management, organizational leadership and employee relations. In an upcoming article, “A Story is Worth 1,000 Lectures,” to be published in the July issue of HR Magazine, he discusses the importance of using storytelling in conducting workforce training.

Jathan has given presentations and conducted workshops for employers and conference convention attendees in over 30 states and Canada. A graduate of Indiana University and the University of Chicago Law School, he is a member of the National Speakers Association and is a recommended speaker listed in the SHRM Speakers Directory.


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