Marko Vignjević
Markowas born in Belgrade, Serbia and grew up in the suburb of Senjak wherehe attended Branko Parac grammar school.When his family moved to Moscowhe continued his education at a Moscow grammar school, together withstudying piano at the music school and attending classes at theYugoslav Embassy. It was on his return from Russia in 1990, whilst atthe Sveti Sava High School, that he first developed a penchant forwriting.
His inspiration for"Writings of a Wretch" came when he spotted one of his grammar schoolteachers minding a booth in a flea market in Belgrade. The realisationwas brought home to him that all was not as it had seemed on thesurface; that often unimaginable misery and hardship could lurk beneatha surface; and that one could never know of the mental suffering whichmay haunt the mind and life of another.
His inspiration for"Writings of a Wretch" came when he spotted one of his grammar schoolteachers minding a booth in a flea market in Belgrade. The realisationwas brought home to him that all was not as it had seemed on thesurface; that often unimaginable misery and hardship could lurk beneatha surface; and that one could never know of the mental suffering whichmay haunt the mind and life of another.
MrVignjevic has two other finished works to his credit: "Spirits andShadows" and "The Premier (Cycle No. 1)", although sadly we understandthat neither of these have as yet been translated into English.