For Authors

Dorothy Turk



My husband and I bought a bungalow inHastings, Ontario Canada, in 1997. From the day we moved in there werestrange banging noises on doors and walls, electrical problems andonce, as I was walking into the furnace room, the door slammed in myface. The house was built in 1950 and although it was rented out for acouple of years, it had remained in the original builders family, untilthe last member died and we bought it from the estate. We were told byfriends of the family that at least three of the previous owners haddied in the home.

After the sudden death of my husband in our home, in 2002, the unexplainable incidents escalated dramatically. People  witnessed white and black shadows, that seemed to glide into empty rooms;mattresses bounced, as if someone were jumping on them; there werelouder and more frequent knockings on walls and doors, as well asseveral other strange occurrences, all of which seemed to get worsewhen there were overnight guests.

WhenI started capturing strange anomalies in photographs, taken in differentrooms of the house, I began to think maybe there is a way to prove ahaunting. So for several months I continued taking pictures around my home, with some amazing photographic results. 

Withso much going on there, I decided to increase my chances of getting proof of the souls survival, by forming a group of "investigators", who would go out to local reputedly haunted sites. Some of these locations were dark and spooky even on the sunniest days, but the photographic results were amazing!

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