Patrick Cunningham
My name is Patrick Cunningham andthis is my first book After Midnight volume one. I have been writingfiction/horror since i was only 11 years old. I always remember how itall began. I was only eight years old and one day while on my way homefrom school I was approached by a very tall heavy set man in his late40's. He stopped to ask me if I knew the location of a castle in myhome town. A castle that had a reputation for being HAUNTED!!!
I toldhim the way but i noticed he was carrying something in his left hand.It looked like a Geiger counter for the want of a better description.Of course my curiosity kicked in and I asked him what it was for. Hetold me he was a Professor from the university of Boston and he was inIreland researching the old castles. He was a "Ghost Hunter" and thetales he told me of the things he had witnessed triggered myimagination there and then. I was always told by my parents that Ghostswere not real, but here I was after talking to this man, a professor aneducated man and he believed in ghosts. So it was after that I becamefascinated with the supernatural, paranormal and the occult. I watchedhorror movies and read horror novels and of course they had to be byAlfred Hitchcock and the grand master himself Stephen king.
A few yearslater I was sitting down doing my home work one night when all of asudden I started to write a story, and the characters of Ben, Rodger,Jackie, and Sarah were born. The stories just poured out of me and nomatter how hard i tried to keep them from coming out it was no good.For nearly three years I wrote of their adventures, until one night inmy early teens I just threw them in a corner and forgot about them.
Until earlier this year I discovered them and by discovering them I also rediscovered my self . Iread them for my fiance and her kids and they loved them and encouragedme to get them published and so I did. I sat at my computer for fourmonths and re-wrote the stories. They were written by a ten year oldboy and when you read the book you will notice the teenage mind framethat runs throughout the book. Those stories are now called AfterMidnight volume one. I still have ideas for other stories and thoseideas are going to become After Midnight volume two....