For Authors




I have lived a long and complicated life. I have travelled each and every highway, and a few byways too. Regrets, I have a few, (don't you?) but I can't go back and make any changes, so I move on. I am a proud Veteran of the United States Air Force-Military Police-Combat Defense Forces (Viet Nam). I am happily divorced (at least I hope my former wife is, I did not deserve her in the first place).
I retired as Chief Investigator for a prominent Miami, Florida Law firm, specializing in criminal defense.
I Co-Authored "DAVID JANSSEN-MY FUGITIVE" with my friend Ellie Janssen, the late actor's first wife. The only authorized biography was originally published in Hardcover in December, 1994 and in Paperback in 1995 and 1996. It sold over 1.2 million copies. I have just released the Fourth Edition in Hardcover, at the original 1994 Publication price of $18.95 (FREE S&H).
My debut novel, THE EXECUTION OF JUSTICE was published in February, 2009 by Blue Line Puiblishing House, Inc. It is Hardcover, 408 pages - $27.95 (FREE S&H).
THE EXECUTION OF JUSTICE introduces my readers to the "Mike Walsh Detective Novels" series. The Execution of Justice is based on the true story of the murder of a close personal friend and one-time mentor, a detective sergeant in the Robbery & Homicide unit of the Indianapolis Police Department. The second novel in the series is "The Jockey's Justice", based on the true story of a murder case I worked on for the law firm.
I split my time between New York City and Miami, Florida with my German Shepherd, Rico der Hunter III. 

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