For Authors
Michael Robert

Michael Robert Dyet



I am The Metaphor Guy. Novelist, closet philosopher, chronicler of life’s mysteries – all through the lens of metaphor.


Author of “UNTIL THE DEEP WATER STILLS: AN INTERNET-ENHANCED NOVEL” – a double winner in the Reader Views Literary Awards:


* Canada East Region Winner

* Writers in the Sky Award for the Best Creative Writing of the Year


A traditional print novel with a unique and groundbreaking online companion featuring text, imagery and audio recordings. Available from Amazon.


Author of “METAPHORS OF LIFE JOURNAL aka Things That Make Me Go Hmmm”. Follow my journal postings at this site or at its permanent home where you can subscribe to the RSS feed. Metaphors of life Journal categories: Shifting Winds, Sudden Light, Deep Dive, Songs of Nature, Random Acts of Metaphor.


Go to the “My Books” tab to read an excerpt from the novel and browse through book review excerpts from All Books Review, Best Seller World, Reader Views and many more.


The novel’s online companion is located at


Want to know more about me? Visit my website at


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