For Authors

"Dressed for a Kill"

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To Chicago Trib reporter Miles Fischer, it was just another rape and murder trial, until the two convicted felons are found dead in the muddy parking lot of a rundown bar just days after their surprising acquittal. His curiosity turns to suspicion after searching the archives where he discovers two more cases similar to the one in Tweeksbury. Is it a coincidence? Miles doesn't think so. In fact, he believes he knows who the killer is after a chance encounter. Miles draws the ire of the FBI and becomes tight-lipped when confronted to disclose what he knows after publishing an article connecting all three. He wants the story and the glory that goes with it, and believes he is the only one who can identify the killer. He sets his sights on Seattle and creates a game of cat-and-mouse with the FBI and an ex-cop turned private investigator, who is after the same thing but for different reasons. What he and the private investigator don't realize is just how deadly this game is about to become.

The Story Behind This Book

Does Oprah have the magic to inspire people? You bet she does. Can Oprah reach out to people to inspire them to become something that even they may never have thought possible? You bet she can. What is it about Oprah that makes people even begin to think of the infinite possibilities that await them if only they would try by beginning to believe in themselves and what that belief can foster in the way of creativity? Its quite simple actually. Its her inspiration, her positive beliefs that anything is possible. When you say, "yes I can", instead of, "no I can't", the world instantly becomes your canvas where you can create and make possible anything for the world to see and enjoy. I believed it. You just have to change your attitude, to believe in yourself. I came away believing in that too. These are the subtle messages that Oprah gave to me on that spring day back in 2000 while watching one of her shows. I came away inspired, believing that I could write a novel. And so I began my dream the next day, putting fingers to the keyboard and began typing the first sentence then the next and the next and before I knew it I had a paragraph and then another paragraph until I had a page and then another page and then another and so on until a year later I had a novel. Was it good enough to present to the world? Was it something I could and would be proud of if someone other than me was to read it? No, it wasn't. It needed work. And so I forgot about it, thinking I didn't have what it took to make my dream come true. Then a year later I opened the file and looked at it again and thought back to what Oprah had said. Was I a quitter I asked myself? Was I going to take the easy way out and give up? After all, it doesn't take much effort if I was and the result would surely be what I and anyone else would have expected if I did. But I didn't. I persevered and worked on it off and on over the next 5 years, making sure I got it right the first time because as an author you never get a second chance, sometimes going as long as 6 months without even touching it before once again going through the long, drawn out process of revising what I had written until I created the final draft of what I and others believe, according to their reviews, is a great story.

Praise and Reviews

Rick Kogan of the Chicago Tribune says:  "Dressed for a Kill is a fine book. The characters pop off the pages."

Mississauga Radio Host, Cap 'n Dave of
"I had the pleasure to read your book, Dressed for a Kill and found it a complete joy to read.  I love a good mystery novel and you nailed it. The story outline is unique and instantly engages you. The characters are smart and well thought out. The main character 'Miles' is a real guy who falls right into this story, his dedication to his work and personal life stretches him thin, yet he is still driven to solve this case. While I was reading Dressed for a Kill, I found that while I was doing something else, I couldn't help but think what was happening next to Miles. My only disappointment was when it ended. I wanted more Miles. I hope your working on a new story involving this character. Thanks again and keep up the good work."

Missouri Author, Barbara Watkins "A Thriller From Start To Finish",
March 23, 2010
This review is from: Dressed For a Kill (Paperback)
Dressed for a Kill by Brian Bianco, is a gripping suspense thriller. I picked it up, turned the page, and did not stop reading until the last word was read. The author stimulates your imagination with twists and turns - keeps you captivated throughout your read. What makes a great suspense thriller? In my opinion, a great suspense thriller has to have precarious situations, unique characters, and a strong plot - hence, once again I introduce you to Dressed for a Kill.

Chicago Tribune reporter, Miles Fischer, wants the story and all the glory that goes along with it. This thrilling tale of suspense starts out with Mr. Fischer covering a trial involving rape and murder. Soon after the defendants are acquitted of all charges, they are found murdered - both killed by arrows of a crossbow. With an abiding passion for finding the truth, Miles does his research and discovers two more cases that oddly resemble the most recent crime. Employing whatever means it takes to get the story; he often uses such tactics as intimidation - making several enemies along the way. He turns up the heat when the FBI and a former police officer, turned private investigator, join the hunt. As the plot thickens, so to speak, Miles Fischer finds himself in danger of being the next target.

The main character, Miles Fischer, often walks a fine line when trying not to break ethical rules. His personal life is a catastrophe. His impetuous behavior and reputation as a womanizer ultimately destroys his marriage. However, when his investigative instincts kick in, his brutal determination and disregard for his own safety is without flaws. I found the author, Brian Bianco's, writing similar to that of Kurt Luedtke and David Rayfiel, author of Absence of malice - not as much as in the story subject, but as in the way Bianco displays the art of utilizing psychological twists with exuberant anticipation. I would also like to mention the exquisite book cover for this literature; it is truly a piece of art! I give Dressed for a Kill by Brian Bianco 5 stars - 6 stars if I could!

Dad of Divas' Reviews

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Book Review - Dressed For A Kill

An enjoyable read. This novel has lots of twists and turns, which keeps the reader interested and in anticipation of more suspense.

As a mystery/thriller lover, I found this book to be engaging and one that I definitely would read again. The plot was well organized and the main character is a character you just love to hate. There are many things that he does that can and probably will leave your jaw agape and you asking yourself if there are really people out there who are like this.

All of the characters intermix well and it climaxes with a powerful ending to the overall book itself. For a first book the author has done a good job at solidifying his style and his place as a up and coming writer for the future. I definitely recommend to other individuals who love thriller/mystery novels!

Dressed for a Kill Reviewed By Mary Lignor Of

A debut novel with a very strong plot and interesting characters.  A good read with lots of action throughout the entire book.
Miles Fischer, a reporter for the Chicago Tribune is assigned to cover a trial in a small town.  The defendants were accused of perpetrating a horrendous crime of rape and murder of two teenage girls.  They were career criminals who had been in jail most of their lives.  One, an orphan with no family, and the other the son of a very wealthy man who ignored his son.  The trial had gone on for three weeks and finally was given to the jury, who deliberated four days.  Their lawyers were provided by the wealthy father and the men were found not guilty due to a lack of evidence.  The townspeople were up in arms but were powerless to do anything about it. Very soon after, the two men were drinking in a local bar and harrassing the help.  As they were leaving the bar they were both killed by the arrows from a crossbow and left lying in the muddy parking lot.  Later, Miles becomes suspicious when he researches murders by crossbow and discovers two more cases resembling this one.  He believes that this is not a coincidence and thinks that he has met the crossbow killer in an unrelated incident involving an interview he is sent on in Seattle.  The FBI zeroes in on Miles and comes to him for help which Miles refuses to give, wanting to keep the BIG story and all the glory included for himself.  He goes to Seattle to try and intimidate people into telling him what he wants to know and runs afoul of the FBI and a former policeman turned private investigator to get the information he seeks.  What he is not aware of is that there are many things that he doesn't know and is in for a few big surprises before this game is over.
As I said before, the plot of this book is extremely well planned out.  The main character, Miles Fischer, is not a very likeable guy (this is only my opinion).  He is brash and intrusive and can turn you away from him in an instant.  His personal life is in a shambles and he is becoming interested in a co-worker when his wife is in the hospital having their first child.  There are a handful of newspaper reporters and editors who are forever throwing the first amendment in everyone's face, some FBI agents who could help out if only they could have done their work without chasing this reporter forever and an ex cop who is hired by the wealthy father to find out who killed his son.  
The way that this book is plotted, everyone has their job to do and does it well.  The ending is superb and will not happen until the very last pages.  (That, to me, really sells it.)  If the author wanted his main character to act like a reporter and give everyone a hard time being a pushy, nosy all around meddlesome jerk, it really worked!!!  I really enjoyed reading this book and I have to say that the presentation of the book is beautiful, the promotional items are great and I wish the author much luck with it.  I highly recommend this book to all thriller/mystery readers.
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