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The Road to pSingularity

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An image of the cosmos as reflected in the still waters of adispassionate computational analysis.Five different strands of thought- namely, Advaita Vedanta, the plausibility of illusions in a digitalecosystem, the mathematics of the Universal Turing Machine, thepersistent and evolving nature of the Genome and Gödel's Theorem ofIncompleteness - are brought together to create a modern perspective ofa world view that was first articulated by Sankaracharya.This vision isdelivered, not as a discourse, but instead through a dialogue between aSeeker and Sceptic.Finally, the ubiquity of causality and the existenceof free will are challenged and the cosmos is sought to be explained interms of patterns - the Contours of the Eternal - to which all sentientconsciousness finally converge in the ecstasy of pSingularity : theprimordial Singularity

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