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Christy Bristol is an office assistant at the Central County Sheriff's Department in Kearny, CA. While her work is humdrum and low paying, dabbling in astrology brings unwanted trouble and danger into her life.

When a socialite requests a horoscope on her husband, Christy's instincts and ethics warn her not to comply. Gal pal Lennie Watkins insists she do the chart, if only out of curiosity. What Christy discovers in the horoscope is an extramarital affair that is life-threatening for the man.

The wife informs Christy her husband has disappeared and, for appearance's sake, she cannot go to the police. She asks Christy to use astrology to find her husband. The request is ridiculous, but Lennie has been a PI-in-training and sees this as opportunity to develop her sleuthing.

A bottle of heart pills and a strange matchbook are the only clues in the case. Nevertheless, Christy and Lennie set out to find the missing husband. Their investigation leads them to the VA Hospital, a college campus, fitness gym, print shop, and finally, a sex club. They also cross paths with a triple homicide investigation being conducted by the Sheriff's Department, and her amateur sleuthing could get Christy fired.

Set in the San Joaquin Valley, WHERE ANGELS FEAR is the sequel to FOOLS RUSH IN in the Christy Bristol Astrology Mysteries.

Praise and Reviews

If you liked “Fools Rush In” you will love “Where Angels Fear”. Frazier takes us into Christy’s life. Sometimes things are confusing. Sometimes they are embarrassing. But there are wonderful and warm times too. This tale has one of the best, “feel good” endings I have ever read. I laughed and I felt good for Christy. This is a wonderful story and one everyone should definitely read. You won’t be sorry. I give it a 9 of 10 on the Weaver meter.

Enjoy, Sid Weaver

Beginning with the stiletto boots and whip on the cover, Where Angels Fear pulls the reader into a labyrinth of death, domination, and fear with just the right number of humorous turns. Frazier has created a character in Christy Bristol that readers will gladly welcome into their living rooms in book after book to see how she grows and to learn more about how she uses her gift for astrology.  Where Angels Fear is a delightful, fun read that proves Frazier has no fear as a writer.

T. L. Cooper,  Author of All She Ever Wanted

Dames of Dialogue

Maggie Bishop

Psychic-astrologist Christy Sunny Frazier’s distinctive voice in Where Angels Fear echoes with humor and rings true with procedural details. This mystery begs to be read through to the end in one sitting. Highly recommended.

From its dark, compelling opening, 'Where Angels Fear' is an intriguing mystery. Christy makes an appealing and resourceful heroine, with many tangled relationship issues we can all identify with. Her friend Lennie is equally engaging and there are many nice touches of humor when she is investigating. The story moves with great pace, yet at the same time the colors, culture and cuisine of this part of California are excellently described, and overall the novel has great atmosphere. The ending is truly gripping.  Christy's relationship with her lover also develops and 'Where Angels Fear' rounds off with a lovely scene between Christy and Rod.
I enjoyed, 'Where Angels Fear' very much and I look forward to reading more of this series.
Lindsay Townsend.

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