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Dangerous After Dark: Dangerous Series Book 1

  Restricted (R)
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Grace is a young administrative assistant who hasn’t had an easy life. She was a victim of a sexual assault as a college student and hasn’t trusted men since. She dates, but it feels more like work than fun. She doesn’t like to be alone, doesn’t like the dark and is always very jumpy. They never caught her attacker and she doesn’t sleep well knowing that fact. So now she hopes to move on day by day and be a “normal” adult….whatever that means.

Patrick is a detective who loves a challenge. When work is slow he does a random search through cold cases to find a project. It’s the middle of summer and nothing on his desk is pressing and he is bored So back to his cold cases. He pulls a 5 year old case of sexual assault. Looks like initially the investigators weren’t sure if the victim was actually a victim. After doing some digging Patrick realizes this case is very similar to 3 others in his cold case pile where the victims were found assaulted and dead. Can Patrick solve this case and rescue Grace from always looking over her shoulder and maybe save her from herself and show her she can trust men again?

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