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Jerome Samuel, a top Indian scientist from the state of Kerala specializing in Nano-Technology goes missing while on his way to a conference for scientists and researchers. His car is found abandoned and locked, on the left side of a road where the traffic is very low. The next day, a mysterious figure identifying as 'Calcium' claims responsibility for Jerome's abduction through an email to the State Police. Three days later, Calcium sends another email where he demands that an interim amount worth INR 200,000 be sent over to an HFBC Bank account based in Switzerland, for keeping Jerome alive. Also attached was a short video of a helpless Jerome pleading for his life. With all attempts at tracking down Calcium's location bearing no fruit, the Government of Kerala gives in to his demands.

After a month of investigation, the State Police is stuck with almost no progress. The case gets transferred to the Special Task Force (STF), a branch which specializes in crimes that appear mysterious in nature. STF officer John Wilson is assigned as the lead investigator with two more STF officers, Richie Augustin and Vandana Moorthy assisting him. The team will report to senior STF officer Prathap Narayanan who is also John's own boss in the organization. 

Where is Jerome being held? Who is this Calcium? How did he manage to carry out this abduction so neatly, leaving very little clue? Follow John and his teammates as they slowly unshackle the mystery in an eventful investigation filled with twists, turns and thrills.

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