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My Dream Lover Perfect

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A Passionate Story of True Love

Sensuous, Erotic, and Absorbing

A Romance You Will Remember Throughout Time

Circa 1953 and the very wealthy Bryant family relocates from New York City to a small rural town in The River Valley of Eastern Ohio. There Robert and his younger sibling, Emily, find themselves strangers in new schools and without friends. However, things change quickly, and Robert excels in sports and popularity. He befriends Roger LeBlanc, a football team member. Emily and Roger’s younger sister, Coralie, also become fast friends.

Robert Bryant harbors a secret: he was born a genius but also exhibited exceptional coordination, which is a rarity. Those traits and his physical appearance make him attractive to the girls at his school. But those same characteristics cause Robert to struggle with the concept of love. He only maintains short, casual relationships with young ladies as he grows.

Years later, Robert finds the passion of love where he least expected, but things change suddenly. Then, Robert Bryant is propelled into a world of betrayal, deceit, and treachery as he struggles to reunite with his one true love. Along the way, Robert discovers a dark past and things about himself, which accounts for how he became the way he is.

What begins as a coming-of-age story of adolescents becomes so much more in this book, with twists and turns abound. Will Robert reunite with the love of his life or forfeit true love forever?

The Story Behind This Book

I studied writing years ago and enjoyed the subject tremendously. However, as a young man, I decided to go in a different career direction. I spent more years in advertising than I care to mention. It was time well spent because I learned a great deal about humanity and personalities. In that very stressful arena, I wrote and edited copy for advertisements and the many other factors that the field required. Penning many advertisements was very much like writing fiction. At that time, I also wrote for enjoyment. Three of my earlier self-help books were published, but 'My Dream Lover' is my first work of fiction. Follow my work in progress at Read my Blog soon to be at

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