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Beyond the Rainbow Flash

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When a boy named Sam goes to the animal shelter to adopt a dog he gets a lot more than a common canine. Randolph Coyote the Third and his teddy bear pal, Bobbie Bear, have remarkable abilities that enable them to take Sam through flashes, portals to other realms, on a quest to solve Sam’s greatest problem: an imagination that makes everything scary. The worlds they visit are even more amazing than anything Sam could have fantasized.
On their funny and exciting journey they encounter a dangerous pirate, a punishing storm, and the world’s most powerful and evil sorcerer. They also meet the Grumpy Old Man, who terrifies Sam but gives him the advice he needs to solve his problem.
Sam’s travels not only change him but open him up to new opportunities, and provide the reader with an intriguing new perspective on the universe.

Praise and Reviews

A wonderful adventure!
By T. Stiewing (Santa Fe, NM)
"Beyond the Rainbow Flash" is the kind of imaginative and creative story that children are really drawn in to. It combines a wonderful story that travels through wild, yet believable worlds, with an opportunity to learn new vocabulary and subject matter (sailing).

I have had an opportunity to read this book to my 3rd and 4th grade class and they absolutely loved it! I have to admit, the reponse was a little unexpected. I thought some of the writing style would be a little over their heads, but they really got into it! They would laugh and comment quite often as the story unfolded.

I really enjoyed reading this story of Sam and his curious companions. The book has a wonderful energy and flow that keeps children engaged. They become connected with Sam and his challenge to overcome his fears and really start cheering for this unlikely hero.

Definately a good read
By L. Ma (California)
Easily read, "Beyond the Rainbow Flash" creates a whole new look on old ideas. Sam is scared of everything from buses, to swings, to teachers and classmates. He spends his time writing poems and stories to pass the time when one day, his parents finally allow him to get a dog. He sees a dog and a teddy bear who speak to him and say that they come from another "world."

A few words may be difficult for younger kids, but other than that, this is perfect for them. The story is written sort of like Ronald Dahl with a fun sense of humor incorporated along with the plot. The few words shouldn't prove much of a problem as most will be too absorbed into the story to notice.

Sam being scared of everything and learning how to grow out of it through a dog can also teach children how not to be scared. "Beyond the Rainbow Flash" is inspirational in showing and teaching how not to be intimidated by common things.

A humurous plot filled with simple action. Even so, it is well developed and presented through multiple points of view. It flows quickly and smoothly along the storyline without creating any misconceptions. Andrew Connan may be the next children's author.

A Delightful Read
By Diana Forgy (Pittsburgh, PA)  
This is a delightful read for adults as well as children. Everyone can identify with Sam, the overly thoughtful boy who believes that being fearful makes him a coward. Randall Coyote the Third and his pal Bobbie Bear have important lessons to teach both Sam and the reader about courage, about friendship, and about how rich the world is for children, if not for the dull, dutiful adults in Sam's life. And it's all done with quirky, laugh-out-loud humor and an education about sailing ships. I can't wait to see more books in this series.
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