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Doctor Margaret's Sea Chest

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This historical fiction novel, Doctor Margaret's Sea Chest, was published (Dec 2008) by a small-press in the UK. This is Book I of a Trilogy that tells the story of an American woman, Margaret, born to Presbyterian parents in New Jersey. She, overcoming tremendous obstacles, is among the first to become a doctor in the 1850s. Margaret travels with her Canadian husband, an officer in the British Cavalry, to Crimea where he takes part in the Charge of the Light Brigade. Later, Margaret joins her parents who are missionaries at one of the first American Missions and asylum/school in India. There she gets involved in the 1857 Indian Mutiny/Rebellion by serving as a physician for the Rani of Jhansi, the Indian “warrior queen,” who fights the British forces. The novel is available at all Amazon, B&N, and other Bookstores.

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Praise and Reviews

What the Beta Readers of Dr. Margaret’s Sea Chest have said …


"Very impressive intriguing novel, filled with mysterious circumstances and suspense.  The story unfolds combining interesting historic facts to the present with descriptive vivid imagination.  The characters surrounding Doctor Margaret's Sea Chest are alive and introduced to us in a gripping way, colourfully taking us back in time.  I commend this book to be a very enjoyable read ... my interest was captivated to the very end ... "
Micheline Beniusis,  English Teacher

"The story takes one on an adventurous trip with a compelling mission to discover a life lived through different continents, warfare, joys and sorrows.    Portrays lives in 19th century, exposes the reader to understand our diverse societies and cultures considering history and changing times.  The captivating story often kept me up way after the midnight hours till the end ..."
Al Beniusis,  Accountant



“I can see this story as a ‘Masterpiece Theatre’ movie—just thinking of the costumes and the dramas is exciting. You set each side of the border in such picturesque settings, in Grimsby, Niagara-on-the-Lake and New Jersey. We all see some of the Persian and Indian settings on a regular basis on the news today. Most of the costumes are available already…”

Diana Stevens-Guille, School Principal



“The basic story I did enjoy. The plot was developed in such a way that I did want to find out more about Margaret and how her life is linked to the contemporary story…”

Dr. Janette MacDonald, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto



Story was very intriguing and enjoyable and kept me wanting to read and know more—it grabbed me right from the beginning … enjoyed the jumping from past to present and the history/period descriptions it provides …” Dr. Josie Marciello, Toronto



“I like the idea of the dream at the beginning of the novel … The plot is not only captivating, there is an aura of mystery—and the conflict between Margaret and her family fuels the fire as there is tension on all fronts. The setting that you have chosen is the beautiful 1960s, in stark contrast with the 1850s. You have described them beautifully … the first person narration is very effective…”

 Sheila Abedin, Human Resources Professional



“The first person, first Doctor Wallidad, then the grandfather and Margaret, is an effective approach … the story is good, weaving the past and present dramas. You have included so much detail on Margaret’s life that is really interesting. It held my interest throughout … I believe that the historical element of this story enhances its interest. The details of the underground railroad and the Crimean War are great. Adding Florence Nightingale also adds interest. The promised detail about the rebellion also sustained my interest. You have included much rich detail …”

Margaret Smith, Senior Advisor, Socio-Economic Assessment



“The frame story? Yes, it works ... Although I must admit I prefer Margaret's story. Partly because it's historical and partly because of her personality … I like your descriptions of settings. They're evocative. Well done. I also like how Dr. Walli notices gardens wherever he goes. This is one memorable aspect of his personality …”

Guylaine Spencer, Hamilton, Ontario



“Two plot frames? I like it. Adds richness and depth to the story … It was a very effective opening. It definitely gives incentive to wade into the introductory section of the story. Also really enjoyed how we kept coming back to that dream, the woman on horseback, hair streaming. It helped tie Walli’s story together and tie him to Margaret as well. Was it an enjoyable read? It usually takes me a month to read a novella. I read your novel in 2½ weeks. You decide.”

Stephanie Hill, Dress Designer.
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