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Mending Lucille

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The theme of the bookis loss of a parent/central caregiver and its effect on a small child. It is deliberately unclearin the book what happens to the Mother. What matters is that she leavesthe child's life. Death is a horrific, tragic, and traumatic experiencefor children, to cope with. However there is closure. If a parent orcentral carer just leaves, disappears, abandons for whatever reason,there is an irreconcilable grief. More and more children are beingplaced in this situation. Often, those around them are too closed intotheir own emotional anguish/angst to be able to reach out to the childat the child's level of need or the adults assume the child is youngso they will cope.
There are teacher notes available for the bookwhich therapists can also utilise.

Media Mentions

Praise and Reviews

Nominated for CBC Crichton Award and
Family Therapists' Award
Children's Choice Award NZ
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