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Buy Online:   Double Dragon

Riven kan Ingan is cursed by the gods for denying them.  Now, he has to work through his punishment, which includes loving a woman who can never be his, as he battled a wielder of black magic to free his sovereign's daughter.

Praise and Reviews

Blood Seek
Toni V. Sweeney
Double Dragon Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-55404-453-5
Fiction, Fantasy
Reviewed by Eugen M. Bacon

"When the red raw mists cleared, he was alone. That was how the Mortuaries found him – face down in the bloody slush where the heat from his body had melted the snow… the black war-horse standing guard above him…"

This opener more than snapshots the enchantment of The Chronicles of Riven the Heretic: Blood Seek; a novel utterly impossible to turn aside. From arresting cover graphics to Toni V. Sweeney’s impeccable approach, her marvel of beautiful linguistics, brisk humour before a grim mood unearths the ineffable, fate is sealed by the skill of a Weaver, the position of a loom. Magic ever present, insight as staggering as the writing is ardent, this chronicle swiftly journeys tarnished innocence, explosive pairing, love gained… and lost… in the story of Riven Kan Ingan, a traveler, a young disbeliever, and the mysterious slave, Bar-Bara. Characters are well defined, intriguing, as they are charming or odious. As a clandestine Weaver of Lives bends over her loom, Toni V. Sweeney carves yet another sensation.

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