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Alternate Space

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  AlternateSpace is a story that came to me in a dream. It is a story about ayoung, very intelligent Princeton graduate. The story begins ongraduation day. After graduation, he accepts his first job as ascientist for a company in Atlanta, Ga.

   Thestory centers on his duties in the lab and a new (non graphic) romance.He has this 'special' lab experiment that he is trying to perfect fromhis college days. It is not part of the office routine, and is quicklybanned as not being financially marketable. He is soon labeled by hiscolleagues as a little eccentric. So, he has to continue thisexperiment at night, in secrecy. As lab work goes, he has numerousfailures. His breakthrough comes from a very unexpected place.

   The story highlights this very exciting part of his young life and the discovery he finally makes.

The Story Behind This Book


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