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PARENTEEN - Parenting Defiant and Crazy Teens With Wisdom And Care - Tips And Strategies for Handling Difficult Teen Parenting Situations - Move From Conflict ... For Raising Confident and Obedient Kids (Paperback)

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This is a teen parenting and relationship guide by the ultimateauthorities in psychology. Christine Evans is a columnist, TV and radioagony aunt, and a qualified psychotherapist, specializing in parenting,anxiety disorders, and family concerns, known for her sound advice.Dr. David Usher is an MD, family planning specialist and clinicalsexologists. He is the author of numerous books and a regular guest onboth TV and radio. "Enjoy them now, they'll soon be teenagers!"Warnings like this from friends and relatives, together with mediaimages of adolescents as irresponsible, rebellious troublemakers, canlead parents to expect trouble as their children enter puberty. It is arare parent who does not approach a child's adolescence without somemisgivings. But family life does not have to be a battleground duringthe teenage years. If your child constantly misbehave and ignore orrefuse your requests for proper behavior? If your relationship withyour child based on conflict instead of mutual respect and cooperationthen this book will help you to create a positive, respectful, andrewarding relationship with your child. This book focuses on strategiesparents can use to deal with typical teenage behavior. The essence oftheir technique teaches parents to allow their children to learn aboutsolving their own problems by setting up choices and consequences. Thecontents gives solid tips on how to work toward a positive outcome andoffers a variety of scenarios, demonstrating precisely how a parent'swords and actions can be the source of a teen's compliant or defiantresponse. When parents and teens are getting along, family life can bewonderful. Teens really are enjoyable and energizing. Their wit andhigh spirits make them fun to be around. Although this guide isintended mainly for parents of teenagers, it is general enough to beuseful to parents of younger children as well.

Praise and Reviews

I have been reading parenting books for years. The book teaches how parents can assist instead of disrupting the child's natural process of learning. Permit a child the consequences of their own mistakes when they are young and they will learn not to make big, life changing mistakes when they are adults. Become a friend and respected confidant to your child whose opinion he respects. There are excellent, real life accounts of how to apply the techniques.

To avoid a power struggle with my son who didn't want to put on his clothes or coat for a 5 minute ride home from my sister's house, I used Parenteen principles. On a cold January evening I carried him to the car in his underwear. Moments later, he said, "I'm cold." I simply kept driving and said, ... Perhaps next time you will make a different choice?" A natural instinct would be to cover him up and protect him from the cold. He was not injured in any way. By sticking to the principle, however, he learned two very important lessons: 1) mom is not kidding around, and 2) it's smart to wear your clothes and a coat. Since that evening, we have not struggled to get dressed. Try it!

The philosophies of authors are very similar--offering many sanity saving alternatives to yelling, bribing, threatening, criticing, and nagging that we often resort to at our wits' end. This book is helpful, humorous and worth keeping handy for when you need some quick advice or just some empathy on one of those really bad days when you think you are about to lose your mind!
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