On the morning of May 10, 1940, the last thing Sofie Rijnfeld expected was the sky to start raining German paratroopers. She and Jan, her husband of 3 years, were living contentedly in Amsterdam with Jan's six daughters. Life held the promise of a bright future for the Rijnfelds, until the German occupation of Holland and a six-pointed star made of yellow cloth with the word Jood in the middle.
As the Nazi persecution of Europe's Jewry escalates, all six Rijnfeld girls are called up for deportation. Rather than allow her stepdaughters to venture alone to an arcane fate, Sofie insists on accompanying them, ignoring the dangerous implications. In Auschwitz, Sofie discovers a strength and ingenuity she never knew she had, but can her indomitable spirit help keep her daughters alive?A must-read for adults and young adults alike, this is based on the true story of a woman who refuses to be bested by circumstances. Like a phoenix, she rises from the ashes of tragedy to triumph as a heroine who calls to mind the passage from Proverbs, "A woman of valor, who can find? For her price is FAR ABOVE RUBIES."
Book Trailer
http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Far-above-Rubies/Cynthia-Polansky/e/9780977389827/?itm=3?tabname=custreviewThe Story Behind This Book
While volunteering with Facing History and Ourselves, an organization dedicated to eradicating hate and prejudice through education, I became a docent to guide tours through the traveling photo exhibit "Anne Frank in the World." Each tour culminated in a brief lecture by a Holocaust survivor or adult child of a survivor. After hearing my friend Mieneke tell the story of her aunt in Holland who refused to let her stepdaughters be taken to a concentration camp alone, I realized this story needed to be heard beyond the scope of the exhibit. With Mieneke's blessing, I wrote a novel based on her aunt's experiences before, during, and after WWII. Though FAR ABOVE RUBIES is technically fiction, it tells the true story of one woman's incredible courage and spirit.