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The Rise of National Socialism Part 1: Judicial Tyranny

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Osama bin Laden is, of course, the infamous leader of al Qaeda. He and his evil minions are sworn to destroy the United States and our way of life. The only mistake they made was they intend to do it with violence. You can’t kill an idea with violence. We can’t kill radical Islam with violence, but we can kill it with ideas. Osama can’t destroy the United States with violence because we are an idea about a way of life.

Osama would have done so much better had he and his cohorts become U.S. citizens, gone to law school, and become judges, news reporters, or maybe even ran for office. In fact, if Osama and his ilk actually renounced their violent ways, there are plenty of Elitist schools that would actually fight over their attendance and give them scholarships and welcome them with open arms.
How is it possible to make such outrageous statements? It’s easy when you understand how terrible things happen when the judicial branch begins meddling in political matters by passing laws on all sorts of issues. Judicial tyranny would be laughable except for the law of unintended consequences. Progressive Judges legislating from the bench beg the question because they are not equipped to implement the logistics of change nor are they capable despite their own narcissistic arrogance of social problem solving.
In their arrogance, the judiciary gives the Press a free pass to lie, and destroys the best education system in the world. One might say there is an evil conspiracy against democracy and they would be right. It is being perpetrated by the judiciary. It is being supported and tolerated by a new Elite class of citizens because the Progressive Judges who legislate from the bench are too naive to realize that they don’t have any answers to the problems that affect our society.
The Elitists, the new class of citizens and professional liars, on both the left and right, have realized what judges are doing. The Elitists wholeheartedly support it, encourage it and demand that the legal establishment not police itself because it allows the Elitists to easily game our system of government. Under our new system of government, Elitists know that everything is for sale and that the Legislative and Executive branches are surprisingly cheap dates. They already own so many politicians and media, they need computers just to keep track of them.
Legislative decisions from the bench keep the extreme left and right fighting each other. It promotes disunity and intense emotions and allows for our cherished institutions and form of government to be dismantled one brick at a time. It is the hope of the Elitists that eventually one day there will be no one left who cares about the system of government that remains.
To his credit, President Obama is keeping his campaign promise and is in fact instituting change in our democracy. The problem is that the change is to a progressive radical left wing National Socialist government.
Who would have ever imagined that a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, (Van Jones) would be a close Presidential advisor, a Czar in fact. Who would have imagined that in the White House there were officials who admire and agree with Mao (Anita Dunn), or that the Weather Underground would assist in drafting new legislation.
The Apollo Alliance, with leaders Jeff Jones (one of the original founders of the Weather Underground) and Van Jones, the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist supra, helped Democrats write the recent 2009 Stimulus Bill. The Majority Leader of the Senate kow-towed to a living founder of the Weather Underground, a group of domestic terrorists from the 70's. Of course, the only regret of the Weather Underground is they did not do enough bombings.
How could this happen? Judicial Tyranny, or legislation from the bench is changing the very fabric of our society. It has already destroyed the free press, and our education system and is close to destroying the separation of powers and our way of life.

The Rise of National Socialism will give you a solid foundation and understanding on the fundamentals of judicial decision making. It objectively classifies the process of legislation from the bench and shows you a number of fundamental and important cases and discusses them and explains why they are legislation from the bench and why this process is so dangerous.

The Story Behind This Book

Ever wonder about any of the following? Why is it so hard to find a good job, mind your own business, and make a decent living? Why does nothing work from our education institutions to our government? Why can't we really fix health care, or social security? Why can't we stop deficit spending? Why does everyone in a position of leadership always lie to us and talk down to us? The short answer: We are no longer a Democratic Republic. We are rapidly transitioning to National Socialism. This process has been going on for a good deal of time since 1913 and recently it has picked up a tremendous momentum. If you ever wonder how all this could have happened and who destroyed our great country, it all began with the collapse of the Judiciary. In their arrogance, they passed laws from the bench which destroyed the Free Press, and our once great school system. You can read all about it in Paul Owen's The Rise of National Socialism Part 1: Judicial Tyranny The Rise of National Socialism will give you a solid foundation and understanding on the fundamentals of judicial decision making. It objectively classifies the process of legislation from the bench and shows you a number of fundamental and important cases and discusses them and explains why they are legislation from the bench and why this process is so dangerous.

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